Shoulder injury: Treatment of rotator cuff

The most common rotator cuff injury is tendonitis and sometimes even partial or total tears.


Our collaborator Fisiopinar Clinic tells us on this occasion how to treat this injury so typical in triathletes.

The rotator cuff is a set of muscles that originate from the scapula and attach to the humerus. Its main function is to stabilize the humeral head within the glenoid cavity.

It is formed by 4 muscles:

  • Supraspinatus : the muscle that is most injured in its tendinous portion. Performs the separation of the arm in the first 20 degrees.
  • Infraspinatus: External arm rotator
  •  Round less: External rotator  
  • Subscapular : Internal rotator of the arm.

The most common rotator cuff injury is tendonitis and sometimes even partial or total tears.


  • Resting Time of physical activities but not total arm rest.
  • Cold during the first days.
  • Forbidden to raise the arm over the shoulder with weight and avoid activities maintained in this position, even daily ones (hanging clothes, placing dishes ...)
  • Physiotherapy for pain and inflammation such as INDIBA therapy (one of the best treatments in this type of pathology)

Strengthening exercises:

  • Isometric
  • Weathered (elastic rubber bands). The weathered exercises should be followed by periods of rest to allow recovery (1 time a day)
  • If there is no improvement, return to the traumatology consultation for another type of treatment such as infiltrations or even surgery   


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