Categories: athletes

Triconsejos by Uxio Abuin

Uxio this 2015 has achieved the Triathlon European Cup




Name: Uxio Abuin Ares

Home: Lestrove - Dodro

Club: Arteixo Triathlon

Coach: Carlos Prieto

Sponsors: Bald, BH, EVS, Beat Your Mark, Viator, Compressport, Adidas, Catlike

Best 2015 competition: European Cup of Madrid

Tell us something curious that happened this year: I've traveled so much by plane that if I add the kms I could have circled the Earth three times

A friend in triathlon: I would have to mention many so it is better than not hehe

Preferred Rival: (Who do you most like to compete with?) They are all rivals but friends at the same time, so it gives me so much to compete with, the important thing is to enjoy each race.

Objectives for the 2016 season: Continue on the same line this year, focused on my progression and on improving little by little.

Tips to improve swimming: Simulate the arm stroke in front of a mirror and repeat that movement with teraband rubber bands, dedicate a lot of time to the pre-season technique, do some open-water training, etc.

Tips to improve cycling: Do mountain biking in preseason through the mountain to get strength and more skill, put some background session a week (3h +), sprint with the friends of the grupeta to adapt the legs to the changes of rhythm, etc.

Tips to improve the race on foot: Do some background session a week (1h25 +), strengthen your ankles well to have more reaction strength in the momentum, participate in a popular race to do quality training, etc.

Triathlon that you have not been able to run yet and would like to participate sometime: Kona always ends up being the final goal of almost every triathlete haha


Twitter: @uxioabuin

Facebook: Uxio Abuin
