Training articles

2 alternatives to the gym to train at home

We talk about 2 online training platforms

With the sanitary measures implemented by the government due to the crisis of the Covid-19 coronavirus, where it has been forced to close the study centers, cancel sports events with influx of people and the closure of the sports centers we propose several alternatives to train from home

If in your locality if you can go to gym, we recommend reading this article where we give you some very useful tips to avoid contagion.

Alternatives to train home gym


ICTIVA training platform

The Ictiva website is a online training platform, where they give us classes directed by strength levels.

It has more than 1.000 classes where you can practice Aerobics, Fitness, Boxing, Hit, Yoga, Pilates, Hipster, etc.

They offer 10 to 45 minute exercises to do at home.

They offer you one Free trial of 40 video sessions

This is an example

Further information:

Best Cycling LIFE

Best Cycling Training Platform

If you are one of those who like to go to Spinnig classes, we recommend this online platform

They offer up to six activities for exercise bike, elliptical, treadmill, strength combining toning with power, Yoga or Pilates

Offers a 30-day free trial

This is an example

Further information:
