Training articles

3 strategies to increase performance by linking nutrition and training

The best strategy in this sense is to periodize the intake of HC to find the best possible balance in improving performance minimizing risks

There is more and more research on performance improvement regarding methods of training, planning, biomechanics and supplementation. But at the moment a new current on the management of energy substrates and the effects on performance that can mark a new step in improving the brands of the future of endurance sports.

Due to human capacity limited for the storage of carbohydrates en forma de glycogen, minimize consumption of these exercising at intensities of competition is a goal priority in long-term sports

That is why doing workouts or sleeping with little glycogen in a controlled way can help us improve our performance.

Periodization in the intake of carbohydrates

There is no simple solution and there are no "recipes" for all sports, much less for each athlete. What is evident in broad strokes is that in competition period and high intensity use a high percentage of HC can help us and that in times away from competitions and low intensity a low HC diet can improve fat oxidation.

The best strategy in this sense is to periodize the intake of HC to find the best possible balance in the improvement of performance minimizing risks, since a decrease in glycogen stores supposes certain damages such as delay in recovery (study) or descent of the immune system (study)

3 Strategies to improve your performance

Por eso we propose you 3 strategies to continue to improve your performance with food.

Reciente en un   study   different strategies are proposed to periodize:

· Increases in the ability to store glycogen in just 36-48 hours.

 It is important to be trained in the accumulation of glycogen for long distance tests to have extra energy.

According to the latest research in trained athletes it may be sufficient to accumulate all possible glycogen in only 36-48h by ingesting a quantity of 8-12g / kg body weight (study)

· Workouts with low glycogen availability or intermittent fasting: 

Most of us have a limited time. One of the main objectives of resistance is depleting glycogen stores to obtain positive adaptations, so if in a background training we are already depleted of reserves we can save a precious time achieving the same objectives.

As an example, if you had to do a roll of 5 hours on the bike, but no time is available could be made one of 2-3 doing the training in fasting or without eating.

Sleeping with low glycogen stores: 

It is a more modern current in which once the training is done you should not eat HC to sleep with low HC availability until the next day. At the moment there is not much research, but in a study done with mid-level triathletes will they got improvements of an 2% in the race time in 10km and from up to an 10% in sub-maximum efficiency in cycling in just 3 weeks !!!

Even some investigations propose to carry outHigh intensity tests under conditions of glycogen depletion can provide extra benefits (study). In this case the improvement was very important although no changes were found in the mitochondrial content, but the level of the subjects was low and to a large extent these improvements could be due to Improvements in the decrease of feeling of fatigue

But it is also a recommendation made by Keith Baar in a publication even for high-level athletes where it recommends high intensity training after previous glycogen emptying.

This season since Rebook Performance they have put it into practice with athletes in the background and in other athletes and although it is really demanding they are convinced of its benefits.

To understand it better we will see an example of a week of training of a high level cyclist:


Use nutrition to your advantage to save time in background trainings or improve adaptations by offering new stimuli. At the beginning it will be complicated, but think it is a training more

Do low glycogen availability workouts away from important competitions to avoid performance decreases

Close to competitions, try to be able to make the most of the benefits in HC performance, both in the accumulation of glycogen and in the oxidation of hydrates

·  There are no fixed rules, but bear in mind the disadvantages that HC may entail. The training of the day after one of these strategies may be affected or a training in cold conditions, for example, may cause sickness more easily

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