Training articles

3 types of training to gain speed in the race

Sometimes we become runners at "pace" and we are not able to improve our rhythm. In this article we give you 3 types of workouts that can be very useful for get that necessary "spark" both in training and after in the competition

Performing continuous running workouts with an average duration of 60 minutes allows us to develop a good aerobic endurance base, but there comes a time when we feel “stuck” in our running pace.

If you find yourself in that situation, we propose you three types of training to include in your training routines to improve your race pace.

Training with slopes.

You can search short slopes of a few 60-80 meters to perform them maximum possible speed in the ascent, recovering during the descent and until you feel with an almost complete recovery to make the maximum effort again.

You can also make longer slopes, around the 300 meters, With less slope than the previous ones, where we will make the climb at a constant rate and superior to that of our shootings, but without reaching the maximum intensity, and we will recover in the descent at a smooth pace.

Fartlek training.

Enter rhythm changes for a set time or distance to complete other 15 or 20 race minutes. For example, to start you can do 2 minutes at a slightly higher rate than you usually run alternating with 3 minutes at a slightly lower rate than usual.

When you have more experience you can do more demanding workouts such as: 2 'strong + 3' soft + 3 'strong + 3' soft + 4 'strong + 3' soft + 5 'strong + 3' soft.

Training with series.

In this case we will perform short series (100 to 400 meters) in a flat and smooth terrain, with a maximum intensity and enough rest to repeat the effort at the same intensity (between 2 and 6 minutes depending on the distance).

Another way of doing these series is with a high intensity, without becoming maximum, in which case we will reduce the rest time but also seek to keep pace in all the series.

Watch this before you start

Before starting these workouts you must perform a good heating to avoid injuries, and add about 5 or 10 minutes of smooth shoot at the end to help the body eliminate toxins generated in training and, therefore, recovery.

In addition, you must leave at least 48 hours between workouts of this type so that your body assimilates the training and recovers completely before a new effort.

 Laura García Cervantes
