Categories: Training articles

8 benefits of training on stairs

In this article we tell you some of the benefits of stair training for the running race.

Have you ever wondered why we find athletes training "Rocky Balboa" style on stair climbs and descents? We tell you some of the benefits of this type of training

In this article we tell you some of the benefits that the training on stairs for the race on foot.

Benefits of training on stairs

    1. The Climbs they exercise mainly the cufflinks, buttocks y quadriceps, main muscles for the race.
    2. The Downs they carry a eccentric work of the quadriceps, so you'll have to pay special attention to the stability of your knees.
    3. You can increase the speed, so that your pulsations will increase rapidly and shall make a aerobic work very valuable to improve your resistance.
    4. You can also modify the intensity by varying the form of subir: two on two steps, jumping with the feet, jumping with one foot, including a squat on each step. You have as many varieties as you can imagine.

  1. They serve us to work career technique. The exercise of skipping with look to the front, lifting of the knees up to the height of the hip and a metatarsal reactive tread It is a great option to work on stairs
  2. It helps us consciousness and body control, so that we work the core through a conscious activation of the transverse.
  3. It's an agility training. Combining the speed of rise and fall, even marking patterns of rise and fall we can improve our agility
  4. Lastly, is within reach of anyone. Whether in the park, in your place of residence or work, there is always a ladder that can be used to make a good workout.

Remember Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. If you suffer from back or knee problems, the impact of going up and down stairs at high intensity is not the best option, so take these tips with caution.

Laura García Cervantes

Dra. Science of Physical Activity and Sport

Technical Director Club Trikatlón Tres Cantos

Triathlon and Swimming Senior Trainer

Paratriathlon Specialist Trainer
