Training articles

Benefits of strength training in women

There are still some ingrained myths that cause a rejection of weight and machine training.

El strength training in men it is widespread and widely practiced.

However, among the female population there are still some ingrained myths that cause rejection of weight training and machines.

Today we dismantle 4 myths that you have heard frequently.

To lose weight is better cardio training.

One of the main training goals in the fitness room is usually the body weight loss and the thinking error that cardio training is the most lossy.

The higher the percentage of muscle mass in our body, the higher the basal metabolism and the more calories we burn at rest.

So that strength training can help you lose and maintain weight loss.

I'm going to look like a man if I train weights.

As simple as knowing that the amount of Testosterone presented by women is much lower than that of men and this hormone plays a major role in muscle hypertrophy, this deeply ingrained myth dismantles us.

I am going to injure myself or hurt myself.

Like all types of training, first you have to learn the technical gesture of each movement, then do it with very little weight and little by little carry out a progression in volume and intensity.

A professional will be able to guide you so that you do not have this excuse

Weights are only suitable for professional athletes.

The improvement and maintenance of strength is related to a better state of health and independence in the elderly and helps reduce the chances of suffering diseases such as osteoporosis and bone fractures.

This is due to stimulates and maintains bone density, so important in women especially after menopause. Strength training benefits for women

Try changing your body composition by including strength training in your plans and see all the benefits it can bring you in the short, medium and long term

Laura Garcia Cervantes.
Dra. Science of Physical Activity and Sport