Training articles

45 ′ Home Strength Training Circuit

Our collaborators Israel Pinto and Mario Castellanos have left us one other strength training to do at home. [no_knock]

At these times when Spain is in a state of alarm and you cannot go outside to practice sports, we want to offer you alternatives for home training.

If you don't have dumbbells, tapes, etc. You can use free weights that you have at home, such as water bottles, detergents, etc.

The training comes with explanatory videos of each exercise, to make it easier to do at home.

It consists of a warm-up, a central part, with 3 circuits, core work and the calm part.


8′-10 ′ roll work, smooth stroke.

** Jump rope, skiping ... option

 5 ′ foam roll

** Optional only

I work with rubbers (2 x 8 rept each leg)

Rubber watch (optional)

Side kick with rubber bands (optional)

 Lunge back (2 x 8 rept each leg)

 2 X 8 REPT No-Load Squat

Central part

1st circuit - 3 x 8 rept without rest between exercises and 2 ′ rest after circuit.

 Dumbbell squat - barbell - body weight.

 T-balance to touch away

 Bottoms with rubbers, with height ... Or bench press if you have it.

2nd circuit 3 X 8 rept without rest between exercises and 2 ′ rest after circuit.

 pistol squad

 Barbell Row - Dumbbell

 Barbell shoulder press - dumbbell

3nd circuit 3 X 8 rept without rest between exercises and 2 ′ rest after circuit.

6 ″ isometric squat - if loaded better.

 I jump forward to 2 feet

Core work

 Plank saw - 3 series (4 x 10 ″ r / 5 ″)

 Table against lateral to touch cone - 3 series of (4 x 10 ″ r / 5 ″)

 Pres pallof - 3 series of (4 x 10 ″ r / 5 ″)

Stretches and return to calm

After doing this session, don't forget to do a mobility session.

@israelpintoendurancecoach @