Categories: Training articles

6 Tips to be faster in the transition by Zone3

The athlete Scott Hill, sponsored by Zone3, gives us his best tips to perfect the transition:


1) Know your kit

The day of the competition It is not the right day to change your kit, is the day to put into action all the hours, days, weeks and months of training you have done. You have to have trained with the material that you are going to compete to ensure that it will deliver its best performance and will not cause you any discomfort such as blisters, chafing, etc.

2) Check the transition area

Each event is different, so take your time to know the transition area. Walk the stretch that will take you from the water to your transition bag (in case of long distance) or where your bike rests (in the case of short tris). Find the bicycle, know where the lines are to assemble and disassemble, know the circulation route to / from these lines from / to the box and also know and Understanding the rules of transition is fundamental. 

3) Practice the transition

Before the day of the race, rehearse how you are going to put your equipment As you will do in the race, go through all the movements slowly and mechanize them. As they say, practice makes the monk and You will benefit from this "training" on race day if you do it right.

Now it's time to practice, how you're going to put on and take off your wetsuit, leaving your cycling shoes anchored on the pedals and practicing getting them on and off to get down on time at the transition line with a jump. (Don't try this for the first time on race day)

4) Make a plan and trust blindly in it

Everyone has a plan in mind!

Follow it to the letter!

Don't be like a sheep that follows the flock! do not do what everyone else, this only ensures ruin on race day, you are going to throw away all the time and money invested in training and planning.

5) Learn the transition rules

Do not comets a simple mistake that leads to disqualification. Familiarize yourself with the rules such as having your helmet on and tied before you touch your bicycle and leave the bicycle in place before you take it off, assemble and disassemble it on the transition lines, etc.

6) Simplifies

It only takes what is needed in the transition and the race. I organize my gear as I'm going to use it, right before I put it in the transition pack for use on test day.  I set the order by putting all the things I use for swimming first, then all the things I need for the bike, and finally the things I need for the run. Remember that some things you are going to use in all three sectors: things like the Clock, the Trisuit, etc.

Once all this is done, I put the things that I will need after the event, such as the towel, shower gel, recovery products, etc.

It's a simple way to do it, but also very effective!

Scott Hil

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Photo: ITU

