Categories: Training articles

Physical exercise and the immune system

Many of us have been sick and have doubted whether to train or not. We will try to explain the effect of physical exercise on the immune system.

Our collaborator Reebok Performance In this article he tells us about the benefits and contraindications that sport can have on our immune system.

Effects of physical exercise on the immune system.

Physical exercise activates the immune system (acute effect). In general, people who train regularly suffer fewer illnesses than the untrained ones

El short-term training (approximately 30min) although it is high intensity it seems not to negatively affect the immune system

El moderate or intense physical exercise, but of Long duration it produces immunosuppression after its completion and increases the chances of infection. Many of the immune cells migrate to the damaged muscle leaving weaknesses in other areas (that is, race training is more dangerous than bicycle training due to greater muscle damage)

In an investigation it has been shown that 48h was even diminished after a ½ Ironman distance triathlon test. Strenuous exercise can create an "open window" of immunity between 3 and 72h

La Immunoglobulin A deficiency is associated with an increase in infections of the upper respiratory tract and is very common in athletes

El moderate physical exercise reinforces the immune system in the medium term, it has even been shown that light physical activity reduces days of illness with respect to staying sedentary

Nutrition can help the immune system

High level HC : They form a structural part of the immune system and also the adequate levels of glucose in the blood favor the hormonal environment for its development.

Probiotics and prebiotics: The 70-80% of our defense system is in the digestive system and an adequate microbiome is essential

AARR and Glutamine: They are the energy source of the immune system, without them the immune system weakens

Omega 3: It is a basic nutrient to fight against inflammation and to strengthen the response of the immune system

Adequate level of vitamins: Especially vitamin D, but also C, B6, B9, B12

Natural Supplements: Some have some small effect such as quercetin, echinacea, garlic, turmeric, etc.

Improve the immune system through temperature

Una Prolonged exposure to cold can lead to immunosuppression, But short exposures and intense ones suppose a great beneficial immunostimulation for the future

The repetitive cold baths are used to improve antitumor immunity mainly due to the increase in the number and activity of Natural Killer lymphocytes (cells that destroy tumors and cells infected by viruses without the need for specific antigen stimulation)

El heat also offers us a natural defense, since the body uses fever to fight the disease. The habitual use of the sauna protects from the common cold


Make a low load training will produce a activation of the immune system that can help, but only if the body asks us, never forcing or feeling discomfort during training

High training loads they suppose a decline of the immune system, especially of the immunoglobulins A and these are the main protectors of the upper respiratory tract. If they are also done in hypocaloric diets or with fasting trainings we will increase the chances of getting sick.

La adequate nutrition (high HC and probiotics) and a Progressive stimulation in the cold (short but intense) or heat (sauna) will help to have a stronger immune system

The close relationship with the nervous system also implies that In times of high stress, caution should be exercised. These can be exams, personal situations, trips and even days prior to important competitions that can increase the risk of diseases, being advisable to perform relaxing activities.


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