Categories: Training articles

Functional training for running

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Do you need to improve your career on foot? We propose you do it by training your proprioception and postural control.

On numerous occasions we base our running training in adding kilometers and series to improve our performance. However, there is verified scientific evidence that stands out the importance of strength training for performance improvement in the race and for elude the dreaded injuries.

Within strength training we can find a multitude of training methods and types of exercises, but what we propose today is a series of functional training exercises for improve postural control and Proprioception so necessary for an efficient career:

Step climb.

Look for a step of 60-70cm, mark quickly and energetically with one foot without forgetting the coordination of the movement of your arms. Alternate a repetition with each leg.



We will start with unipodal support, placing the arm of the supporting leg with 90º flexion at the level of the elbow, the raised leg with 90º flexion in the knee and hip and with the trunk upright. From there we will look for a position of the trunk parallel to the ground by extending backwards the flexed arm and the raised leg, leading forward the arm of the support leg.

Athletics start


Rest your hands on the ground, a little more forward than your shoulders and with a similar separation to these and place your feet simulating an athletics exit. Activate the transverse and perform a hip retroversion (without arching the lumbar area). With a small jump, alternate the position of your feet.

Roll fitball to the gluteus

Stand on your back with your legs resting on a fitball and your arms resting on the floor at the sides of your body. Elevate your hips and by supporting your heels and bending knees, take the fitball towards the gluteus. Stretch your legs again without lowering your hips.

Leg extension with rubber

Place yourself in quadruped position with a rubber band on the sole of your foot and hold it with your hand or arm. Perform a forceful and controlled extension of the leg back and up without arching the lower back.

Elevation over bosu

Rest only one foot on the bosu and place the opposite arm to the support with 90º flexion at the elbow. Perform a simulation of the movement of the race, taking the free leg forward and upwards and coordinating the movement of the arms.

Rotations on inverted bosu

Place the bosu with the flat side up. Get on top of a balanced jump or with the help of an object / partner. Place the feet with a separation similar to the width of your hips, slightly bend the knees and rotates 90 º to both sides without losing balance. When you master it you can hold a medicine ball and even make passes to a partner.

Side plate with flexo-extension

Position yourself in a side plate position, with your forearm supported and aligning your elbow and shoulder. Raise your hips and stretch your free arm above your head. Perform a simultaneous flexion of the arm and free leg trying to join elbow and knee without losing balance or lower the hip.

Start by doing as many repetitions as possible without losing balance or the correct technique of the exercise. From there, progress in the number of repetitions and even in adding resistance or extra weight. Include this routine once or twice a week and you will see how in four weeks you notice the changes.

Laura García Cervantes

Dra. Science of Physical Activity and Sport

Triathlon and Swimming Senior Trainer

Paratriathlon Specialist Trainer
