Categories: Training articles

The demotivation of the triathlete

Every triathlete, amateur or professional, goes through periods when the motivation is not at 100%.


Our collaborator Moi González Coach of Víctor del Corral gives us in this article some guidelines to avoid demotivation in triathlon

One of the first things we think about when we talk about mental preparation and sports is the and motivation. However, in reality, it is not motivation that concerns us, but rather demotivation. Every triathlete, amateur or professional, goes through periods when the motivation is not at 100%. And not only that, but there is also something that does not usually worry but that also has adverse effects: over motivation (or hypermotivation).

The objective of this article is not to give a theoretical explanation about motivation, there is already a lot of material on the net about this. What I would like to contribute are practical tools that help you identify your level of motivation and to regulate it so that you get your best results.

Fortunately or unfortunately in this matter there is no universal law, each triathlete is unique. What motivates someone leaves you indifferent, and what one discourages you, another will be challenging. Normally it is something that we leave to chance because we simply believe that we can not control it. However, this is not the case, and it is also very easy to manage our motivation.

The key to a good mental preparation is to work our atención. Be attentive to what happens in our mind, our sensations, our emotions. Therefore, the first step to work your motivation will be to put your attention on what is what motivates you. Identify what motivates you (which may coincide with what motivates another or not)

The first question you should answer is: Why am I a triathlete? What does it mean for my training? Why do I compete in triathlon?

Do not take the answers lightly, answer honestly and authentically. Something as important as your motivation is at stake. You are not asking yourself something you do not already know. Simply by answering these questions you are directing your attention to it. Summarize the three answers in three words and write them down somewhere where you can see them easily, in the sport clothes closet, where you have the bike, in your training planning, ...

With this you will already have a part of the work done. You already have the central axis of your motivation for triathlon. Having those three words very present will contribute positively to your motivation. If you also put to work your creativity and join those words in a phrase that for you has a strong meaning, much better.

I propose to take another step in your motivation. And, just like before, the only thing I ask is that you work your attention. Surely there are training sessions in which you enjoy more than others. The motivation to train will have a considerable impact on the outcome of each session. Think of a training session that you really enjoyed What is different in that session? 

Do not look for a material response (yes, brand new shoes can be motivating, but we're not going to release shoes every day ...) Sometimes they can be seemingly unimportant nuances. Take some time and find it. Identify what turns a training session into a good training session and put more of that into your sessions. That will contribute significantly to your motivation to go out and train those days that are more lazy.

Now turn it around. Think about those training sessions that you do not like, or that you find boring, but that you know what you have to do. Keep in mind first of all that you do not "have to", but that you do it because "want"Do them (our mind is predisposed in a very different way to a" I have to "than to a" I want ") However with that you may not have enough. That is why I want you to put your attention in answering this question What is good about those sessions that you do not like? Surely there is something good, there is always something (if not, you would not do it ...) As soon as you have it, summarize it in a single word. That is going to be the word that will motivate you to do those sessions. Put the focus on that word and make the most of that session.

I encourage you to experiment with your attention and to find your keywords or your key phrases.

In the next article I will talk about motivation in competition and over motivation.

Train your mind.

Moi González

