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The best tips for facing mid-distance triathlon with Multipower

Multipower, Leading brand of sports nutrition wants to offer all the followers of Triathlon news A small guide on how to supplement you correctly during a medium distance triathlon.



To swim 1,9Km, to pedal 90Km and to run 21Km, these are the distances that you will have to face, investing an average of 5 hours and a half, to obtain your objective.


It is undoubtedly a major event in which the food planning will be crucial for 2 reasons: Provide energy substrates for maintain and improve our performance y prevent the so-called medical-nutritional risks, such as hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, dehydration and gastrointestinal problems.


It has been observed that the organism is able to metabolize up to 90g of carbohydrates (HC) / h (in events of more than 3 hours of duration), by means of a combination of fast oxidation sugars (60g / h) such as glucose, maltose, maltodextrins (MD), etc. and slow oxidation sugars (30g / h) such as fructose, galactose, isomaltose, trialose (especially fructose is used), etc.


The ideal combination is a food mix that contribute sugars of fast and slow absorption (proportion fast / slow sugars, 2: 1), because it improves gastric emptying, the supply of HC to the body and fluid, if they are provided through the drink.


To transfer these nutritional recommendations, with a practical and effective approach for the triathlete, we must consider the following aspects:


  • Between 60-90 minutes pre-test, we can ingest 500ml of isotonic drink (isotonic drink), in small drinks, to initiate hydration, the contribution of energy and mineral salts.


  • The taking of caffeine in the 60 previous minutes, through a way of guaraná shot or 2 capsules Go Go Go, will help improve our performance. We can also take it on the bike and race, to improve our perception of the effort, and give us that spark we need.


  • In the swimming segment it is impossible to take food, if the organization offers us a water supply in the T1, we must eat between 300-400ml


  • At bike segment we can reach ingest up to 90g of HC / hour, since there is relaxation at the abdominal level due to the position of the triathlete, producing a better tolerance and digestion of gel, jellys, bars, isotonic drink, Sandwiches, fruits, nuts, etc. (solid, semi-solid and liquid foods).


  • There are various mechanical aspects that affect the stomach level in the running, which limit the intake of solid foods and gastric emptying. Thus the intake of HC is limited to a few 30-40g of HC / hora, according to individual tolerance and must be provided through gel, jelly, isotonic drink, Water.


  • Whenever we take a gel o jelly, you have to accompany with a drink of water. Accompany it with isotonic drink, it can cause gastrointestinal problems.


For all this, Multipower He advises us how to use their products to achieve maximum performance.


  • Isotonic & proteinIt will be a ideal drink for this type of tests, by providing HC, sodium and proteins that reduce muscle damage during competition.


  • 30g of HC / hour is achieved with 500ml of isotonic drink or isotonic & protein


  • Consume 60g of HC / hour can be done through 500ml of isotonic drink o isotonic & protein + gel or bar or jelly or banana (120g peeled) or peaks of quince or sandwich with ham / cheese)


  • Multicarbo Boot+ attached to the water intake, it will be a good resource in the walking race, since it gives us 50g of HC, caffeine and branched amino acids.


  • To get to 90g of HC / hour, we must ingest 500ml isotonic drink o isotonic & protein + the combination of 2 foods / supplements (gel, jelly, bar, banana, sandwich)


José Miguel Martínez Sanz and Aritz Urdampilleta Otegui

Scientific-Technical Advice for Sports Planning, NUTRIAKTIVE.




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