Training articles

Reinforce your ankles before running again

These simple exercises that you can do at home or in the gym will help you strengthen all the muscles around your ankle

When we return to training after a period of voluntary or involuntary rest, our muscle mass may have decreased so it is very important vForget to work it to subject it to impacts.

These simple exercises you can do at home or in the gym They will help you strengthen all the muscles around your ankle that will protect and stabilize your foot for your running workouts.

Elevations over toes.

You can make variations by doing it on a step, walking on tiptoe or even combining it with strides or squats

Lateral movements with elastic band.

You can do several repetitions or include maintenance of the isometric position

Flexion and ankle extension.

You can hold the final position for a few seconds or do repetitions.


You can start with stable surfaces, with eyes open and then closed. To add difficulty you can place a folded towel or mat under your foot or some gym equipment such as the bosu.

Jumping in scissors.

Make small jumps alternating the feet from front to back to strengthen all the muscles of the leg. This exercise already implies an impact so you should increase the duration progressively.

This routine, at least 4 days a week

Include this routine at least 4 days a week during the first months of training to achieve stability in the ankle and maintain it with a frequency of 2 times a week the rest of the season if you usually have instability problems.

Remember that the best therapy for an injury is prevention, but in case of overloads and injuries it is always advisable to go to professionals in the area!

Laura García Cervantes

