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Energy replenishment for Km0 Triathlon

In this article we tell you how to develop the protocols that will be followed during the competition



El Km0 triathlon It is a very demanding test, either in its long or medium distance mode, so we have received a guide designed by Infisport to raise awareness of the importance of having a good strategy during the race.

The goal of training in endurance sports as Medium and Long Distance Triathlon is to improve aerobic resistance and with it the lactate threshold. Athletes genetically endowed with a good VO2max a priori have a clear advantage over those below, since the genetic VO2max has little room for improvement

VO2max is the maximum volume of oxygen in the blood that the body can transport and metabolize. This data is obtained through a Gas stress test (ergospirometry) and is a compulsory step for everyone who starts in sports. First to evaluate the health of the heart, second to know if in this case, the minimum capacities for the sport of resistance meet and third to know within the genetic VO2max, the aerobic and anaerobic thresholds.

Knowing the thresholds, allows to know objectively the peak of the moment, program the specific training and control the response to such planning. It is considered a moment of optimal form for the competition, when the anaerobic threshold is above the 90% of the VO2max. At that time the athlete will have the ability to use almost all your VO2max within the aerobic threshold, being able to maintain greater intensity for longer, than with a lower%, where it would enter before the anaerobic threshold and with the consequences that entails

To develop an anaerobic threshold higher than 90% of VO2max, requires a careful planning of the workload and adequate rest, food and supplementation to the load. This peak shape improves the ability to obtain energy from accumulated body fat and less dependence on glycogen as an energy source, although in Medium and Long Distance Triathlon, the replacement of glycogen is a key strategy in performance, since for the duration of these modalities, there is an important expense, which if not properly replenished, greatly accelerates the effect of fatigue and with it the performance during the test, and may even enter the dreaded "pájara" prematurely.

From the field of supplementation this effect can be compensated, but always in a preventive way, that is, before it happens. Everyone who has experienced this effect during a training and / or competition, knows that once it appears, there is no way to get a "reset" that allows you to recover the performance and you only have to reduce the intensity or even the withdrawal considerably.

That means develop the protocols that will be followed during the competition, in the training periods, First to habituate the digestive system to eat and drink during the effort and second to improve the recovery time between sessions, which favors the achievement of peak shape.

Strategically there are two moments to make the compensation of glycogen stores: during efforts that exceed the 60'de duration and always after the end of the exercise, to take advantage of the metabolic window.

1 Energy Replenishment during the year

In training and competitions that exceed the 60' duration from the first 45 / 60'del start, take around 60gr carbohydrate fast assimilation / hour, favors the compensation of depletion of glycogen deposits and Except in specific cases of tolerance, it does not produce digestive disorders.

For this it is advisable to start testing in the training sessions with 30gr / hour and gradually increase until you reach the 60gr / hour. Experienced Triathletes are able to ingest more, which has a greater ergogenic benefit. Some are able to ingest 80, 90, even more grams / hour, but it is absolutely essential to develop this capacity in training sessions, but on the day of the competition, it is most likely to suffer a blockage of digestion, which does not allow even the intake of water alone.

For this there are specific formulas in different formats: powder format to reconstitute in water, gel format and bar format. The nutritional report provides the data of the carbohydrates it contains per unit, which allows calculating the needs corresponding to the duration of the training and competition.

2 Energy Replenishment and compensation for muscle damage after exercise

 It is a very effective protocol to reduce the recovery time, because during the 30-45 minutes after the end of the exercise, there is a so-called metabolic window at which there is a high disposition to the replacement of the glycogen deposits and that if in addition, it is accompanied by a source of protein from whey isolate, it also has a favorable effect on the compensation of muscle damage, beginning immediately the recovery process.

During this window of opportunity, the body can assimilate between 1 and 1,5gr / kg of carbohydrates, an amount much higher than that assimilated in the resting state. In contrast, the amount of protein as in the intakes of solid food, should oscillate between 20 and 30gr per intake, since more is not metabolized and the body does not accumulate as such, but eliminates or accumulates as fat which is not metabolized at that time.

To obtain an effective Recovery, the ideal physiological ratio between carbohydrates and protein is, in that order, 4: 1, although depending on the intensity, duration of effort and objectives, there are other proportions 1: 1, 2: 1 and 3: 1

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