Training articles

Triathlete, take care of your knees with this strengthening session

While we all know the wear and tear that can be caused by running and cycling In the knee joint, we spend very little time preparing it for the effort.

We tell you some exercises to include in your workouts. you can check our section of strength training for more articles on the subject

The exercises that we show you below are a routine care for your knee joint due to the impact and continuous repetition of certain movements that occurs in triathlon.

You can add it before running / cycling or after, even in separate sessions that you dedicate to mobility and stretching.

Knee strengthening session

Isometric with extended knee

For this exercise we have 2 positions: sitting or lying down. Likewise, we can do it with a ball or towel under the knee or without anything.

The first exercise is to contract the quadriceps and press on the object below the knee. In the second exercise we will raise the leg while maintaining the contraction of the quadriceps.

Another variant is to perform circular movements with the leg elevated.

Google Images / Quadriceps Isometric: Pressure, Elevation and Circular Motion

Wall squats with fitball

Place the ball on your back against a wall. Spread your feet hip-width apart and squat making sure your knees don't "wobble" and stay oriented with the balls of your feet (in the same direction).

For more feedback you can use an elastic band on your knees

(Google images) / Squat with fitball and elastic band

Knee extension and flexion

Lying face down with an elastic band attached at one end to a fixed place and at the other to our feet, we will flex and extend the knee, as you can see in the following images.

(Google images) / Knee Extension and Knee Flexion

 Balances on instability

You can start this exercise with a towel as an instability surface, then move to a small ball or dynair and later to bosu.

It consists of balancing on one leg. As you have mastered the exercise, you can include difficulties such as closing your eyes, holding a ball or puck or even receiving throws from a small object.

(Google images) / Balance on Bosu, Dynair and Bosu with ball reception

In addition to these exercises, it is convenient that the material you use is the right one for you.

That is, consult a professional about your footprint and the bike's fit to make sure that the base of the training is not damaging your knees.

Laura Garcia Cervantes.
Dra. Science of Physical Activity and Sport