Categories: Felipe

The hour of the siesta by Felipe Gutiérrez: Those times ...

As we remember those times where there was not or "almost", private organizers.



Now I do not know if by luck or unfortunately they reproduce like mushrooms, the business is the business and for the price of the inscriptions without a doubt if it is a business.

Some will say: "if it is a business, organize yourself", and I think that a churrería is also a business and I do not make churros, and if that is the only argument to justify themselves, then we are going wrong.

The truth is that with the massive arrival of organizers (and they will arrive more) the prices of the inscriptions go up and interestingly the triathletes also and they will pay quickly the 100, 200 ... .ó 500 euros for participating in a test that will even be held one year later of the payment. And I'm wondering if you're injured? Ah, there's a refund insurance! But if you get married that bad day, you have it too, because nothing, you lose the inscription and you go away on your wedding night.

Yes, it is nap time but these things make me nervous and I can not stick my eyes for a few minutes and give some snore, but between nodding and trying another nod I remember those 88-89 years test where triathletes took, I also take it and I still have it, a bowl to the country house for the organizer to fill it with water and thus when leaving the swimming pool and when there is no carpet (at that time it was an article of luxury) because to clean the feet a little, before putting on the shoes of the bicycle, there was also no competition because with the water and the awards ceremony everyone happy, that if at night in a nightclub the awards ceremony and fiestaaaaaaaaaa.

If I know that everything evolves, everything is getting better, for what you pay you give everything, well that's what the organizers say but I think the triathletes have different opinions and not all coincide with the opinion of the organizer.


Someday I will talk about the "bad" and the "good" organizers that there are, but today I leave them alone.


Anyway, I like that the organizers worry about setting a fair price, looking for appropriate and safe circuits, above all security, some economic prizes, although that is declining, that they seek to enter the big cities and not only on deserted beaches where a sponsor would not understand why sponsor a triathlete, club or an organizer if "this is not seen by anyone" and let's not say in those summer cities that when a test is done it seems that they have exterminated the town since there is no one in the city or tourist enclave.

I think they should also make a good hotel offer interesting to lower the cost, that the packs are cheap and good. It is clear that "the economic impact is important" (I've heard it so many times) and that the councils of tourism and sport are dying to make an event of this kind. If so, support the test and "do not leave it alone the organizer."

Lately I have learned that in some municipalities have entered new projects in the face and it seems that Madrid is a square coveted by these organizers. Madrid from those times where 100 or 200 triathletes ran for the 88 year and the arrival of the World Series and everything that has been around increased to 2000, 3000 at prices that have also been increasing.

Madrid and the Casa de Campo can not take it anymore ... there are already many tests there and the city council is limiting the possibilities, needs adjustments of the circuits and more things ... that I will leave another day since the Casa de Campo will surely be the subject of my naps on Wednesdays.

Now both the City Council and the Community want to bet on the Long Distance and of those projects presented there will be in the 2015 one in the distance 3800-180-42,195, distance that they like and that the triathletes want. Who would not like to run in Madrid and its community? I will inform you that I have dreamed about this topic in my last naps.


Felipe Gutiérrez
