Categories: Felipe

Looking for a star Alberto González García

Alberto has won the Spanish Junior Duathlon Championship in Soria



This time I did not go to the CAR of Madrid to look for the triathlete I wanted to interview. This time I went to Soria since I wanted to talk to the duatleta who won the Spanish Duathlon Championship.

And there won a kid from Malaga who runs with the Arcade Inforhouse club of Santiago de Compostela and who, along with his brother Ignacio that same afternoon, won the two minors, the cadet and the junior. Go family saga !, in addition his father triathlete of the whole life is the trainer of both.

At the moment the planning is coming out correctly and the successes are counted in pairs and as a curiosity the duatleta who won in cadets also trained with Nacho Gonzalez before going to the CAR of Madrid. Congratulations, for the successes.

After running his brother and pass all the test with a camera making a video I was with Alberto, right there in the park where duatletas continued to pass, the test had not yet finished.

In my social media thermometer, specifically Facebook, Alberto has 808 "friends" and we share 159. I hope to get to those more of 800 with your interview.

Alberto has 16 years, he is a laughing boy, he was happy that day with his "gold" and with very clear ideas, he adores his family father, mother and brother. Surely if everything goes the same way it is going to be that star we are looking for.


TN- But you're from Malaga and you run in a Galician club, what a contradiction ...

AG- Yes, I'm in the Arcade Inforhouse because they gave me the opportunity to be in a good team and I really wanted to take advantage of being in a team that last year was a champion. Not being in an Andalusian club is fundamentally due to the travel conditions that no Andalusian club gives us. Especially also being able to be in club competitions and have that support

TN- Alberto, what do you study at this time since you would like to dedicate yourself in the future?

AG- 1º Study of Baccalaureate and I would like very much to dedicate myself to physiotherapy, I am still undecided.



TN- Currently where and with whom do you train?

AG- I train in Malaga with my brother and my father. Alejandro Cañas also comes with us.

TN- But training with your father is not a bit heavy?

AG- No, although there are times when the Championships that start, Alberto do this, Alberto do the other thing ... but at the end of the day he enjoys our competitions and so do we.

TN- Do you remember when your father ran?

AG- No, hahaha but I know it was good, hahaha.

TN- Do you train a lot during the day?

AG- Everything is guided around the swimming that are two hours a day from Monday to Friday and on Mondays it is usually rest or comfortable shooting the rest of days from Monday to Friday two of race and two of bicycle. On Saturdays we make long routes and Sunday depends.



TN- What is the most you like about this sport?

AG- It is a very entertaining sport, that of riding a bike and a group I like a lot, besides my father as a boy taught me how to do triathlon. Besides, I like to run.

TN- So you do it out of "envy" with your brother and your father

AG- Noooo, they did it, although I also went to indoor soccer, but I would go for it, I preferred more triathlon.

TN- What memories do you have of your first steps in the sport?

AG- I was swimming a bit but I remember my first triathlon with 5 years in Carranque that I competed with my brother.

TN- The 2015 has just started and you already have a title. What are your goals for this year?

AG- Especially revalidate the titles of Spanish triathlon and aquathlon champion, things will be difficult and also as it is my last year of youth and European is in Banyoles, and I hope to be. Next week one of the objectives is to qualify for the European junior in the Melilla test, being a cadet I have more complicated. I will fight and try and if I do not, nothing happens.



TN- Who are the strongest rivals you have in your category?

AG- Among others Javier Lluch who a few days ago had an incredible performance in Quarteira, Jesus del Val who today has had bad luck and has fallen and opted for medal and in general the "team Blume".

TN- And your future in the triathlon as you see it, in mind some JJOO?

AG- This is the dream of every athlete, but I want to focus on the category I am in and step by step, see what you are doing and with hope you can get anywhere.

TN- What athletes do you admire? Maybe a triathlete?

AG- Without a doubt Mario MolaHe is a boy who did athletics and he was very good and he is a great reference for me. It is going up little by little and will undoubtedly come after this great leap that it is taking.

TN- And Javier Gomez Noya?

AG- Javi is the best, also like Iván Raña, but Javi is that he has always been in front and Mario since 2012 or 2013 makes that leap, as well as Vicente Hernández and Fernando Alarza who are fighting there for Rio de Janeiro.

TN- Do not you think that this training every day and compete, is too boring?

AG- The most beautiful thing about this sport is the people who support you, the people who congratulate you and you can see it as a project for the future.



TN- Outside of triathlon, do you have a hobby, do other things?

AG- I have little time, but I like to be with friends and little else.

TN- So we do not talk about brides

AG- no, no, no ... (Turns red and laughs)

TN- Do you have any financial help in addition to what the club helps you?

AG- No, although in terms of material the Cabberty store, which is a triathlon store in Malaga, helps me with the material, some of them are given to me, others are offered at a good price, also in terms of mechanics, it is helping me quite well . in addition to the store Roberto Sunglasses

TN- Where do you swim in Malaga?

AG- In a pool called Inacua, the club is called Club de Natación Inacua Málaga.

TN- I guess you have many moments when you would like to thank someone for everything he does for you

AG- To my father, he is my coach, "a madman" of this world and I like him to be my coach because you always know how you feel. This last year, things have been going on and we have been very supportive and, of course, my brother, who in international tests was the one who advised me the most. And to my mother without a doubt.

TN- Do you leave it to your mother for the end ?, surely she is complaining with so many washing machines, trips ...

AG- Noooo, always says that I have a good time, that I enjoy, she has a good time like that. Today he's out there watching the tests.

The Championship of Spain continues and Alberto is nervous, he does not stop, he has an incredible energy, I suggest him to take some photos and he kindly goes to the hotel, he changes, no problem for him. It's nice to deal with kids with such seriousness and with such clear ideas.

Then he wants to go see the elite test, he will surely be dreaming of winning it someday, but there he will meet directly with his older brother. The duel is being prepared, who will win ?, for now win who wins, the victory is for the family GONZALEZ GARCIA. Good luck
