Categories: Felipe

Siesta time by Felipe Gutiérrez: “El mal de Güeyu”

LA CIGUA is the most popular amulet in Asturias and is usually placed to children hanging from the "pescuezu" or on the wrist to protect them from the evil eye.


What days I have, surely someone will have "placed" me Evil of Güeyu which is usually caused by the envy or bad wishes of some people. Some will laugh but as a good Asturian I believe in those things and the only way to fight it is with "la cigua".


LA CIGUA is the most popular amulet in Asturias and is usually placed to children hanging from the "pescuezu" or on the wrist to protect them from the evil eye.

I tell you a secret and then my sorrows ...

In the house where I live before lived a lady who was bruxa, guessed the future and all those things and when I bought the house she had a risk of garlic that protected her. I kept that risk until a few days ago in its place, I still have it in my possession, and I removed it to clean it, and for that reason the evil eye has gotten me the "evil de gueyu".

You all know that garlic protects from bad witches and that nothing bad can happen if you are next to a garlic and a good head of garlic protects from malefics, bad energies sent of anything evil or negative you want to enter, It is ideal to protect us from everything.

It is a good charm to take with us on trips so that everything goes positive and the trip is the best possible, and the mere presence of garlic protects against diseases and parasites that may appear.

Some will say that not being able to sleep a good nap has surely left me a bit dislocated, but I assure you that everything I tell is pure reality.

Before my trip to Cerdanyola my computer started doing strange things and as Julio Iglesias' father would say "you will laugh, you will laugh, you will laugh".

Well, I take it to the "hospital of computers" and today they give me the news that I have a virus called "encripter" that has erased everything, I've lost everything !, trainings, files, even a future book, photos ... EVERYTHING. It seems that it enters by email and "scotches" everything.

Well, I'll take it with humor, I can do nothing ...

In Cerdanyola I think more people wanted the "evil eye" to increase, if surely when you read this you will continue to laugh at me, but the theme of the flags up and down made many times I felt some "gueyos" stuck in my neck . Well, great, if I had had the garlic ... they could not even get close to me.

The theme of the flags is already very busy, it is already treated on my Facebook, there is a thread with lots of opinions and I do not want to qualify anything else, there each one with its justifications. If you want, follow it here:

We arrived in Madrid after a lot of hours in the van with the duathletes of the team and when I go to deliver it when I park I took a gardener from the terrace of a bar with the consequent mess. After going to deliver the keys and deposit them in the corresponding mailbox of the agency I realize that my phone has remained in the seat in full view of the public and unable to do anything to recover it until seven in the morning of the next day .

I want to go home I'm already tired, but there are no taxis at midnight and after a cold walk at that time it makes me think that someone has thrown me that bad gueyu. It is time to think about it, I already see bruxes, and what are not bruxes ... finally a taxi! And home that tomorrow I must return to pick up the phone that anyone can see, break the glass of the van and steal it.

As you are !, You are waiting for me to tell you that they have stolen and broken the glass, why not! At that time they were just "bruxes good".

I do not know if I'm waking up from a nap, I do not know if everything is reality I only know that someone has played with the evil eye, but the CIGUE and the garlic from now on will protect me more.

I hope you too.
