Categories: Felipe

The siesta time by Felipe Gutiérrez: My Time Bank

A friend asks me how are you able to be involved in training hassles, competitions, associations, groups, talks in one place and another? Do not you feel like doing nothing?

Well, the truth is that I do not need to think about it and explain what I think about it, it's very easy, I just have to "pull" from my bank, I am rich I am a "bank manager" of my BANK OF TIME. I can manage my time like bankers do with their money, but they may not be able to manage their time, if they have one.

For many years I have dedicated myself to training, the last twenty-eight to triathlon going through different classes. I start every day early with a swimming session where a few triathletes come at seven in the morning and I repeat with another group at half past two. In the middle I always dedicate my time to something or someone, including some hours at Triathlon Madrid KM 0 that keeps going even if some people try to raise rumors about whether or not it is done. Those of us who are involved in "the fregao" meet weekly to review everything and never between us have we had the doubt that the project is moving forward. If we are convinced that everything is going to date, who is interested in others thinking otherwise?

Yes, after the intense meetings on Wednesdays, in the afternoon I have the usual nap, sometimes I get to sleep and then write this weekly column with the commitment that I have with Triathlon News, as you can see, I have the freedom to "enter" my bank and manage my time and I can also spend those minutes writing.


In my time I also write "some" book, among them one of triathlon, but nothing of training and those boring things, I speak of triathlon, love and sex ... .hahahahaha, you woke up suddenly! I'm sure I'll sell many books and I'm sure some of you will see some of them in some part of the book, I do not know if in triathlon, in love or in sex, or maybe in all three.

Sometimes I collaborate with some association, foundation or with whom I want to put "that little grain of sand"That we should all put. I will remember and so I advertise the Horse Foundation Friend of which I am general secretary and that fundamentally work with people with disabilities and the horse, although I do little and only sign projects, reports ..., my friends of the Foundation are those who "curran" and I "bother" from time to time, Yes, I always have them in my battered heart.

My time bank works and in this world it is complicated, but I would like to ask everyone a question and I would like if you have "noses" that you could leave me a comment on the answer. Do you use your time bank just for you or do you spend a minute thinking about other people, sharing it with friends, family, people with less possibilities than you and not expecting anything in return?

Sometimes I collaborate with organizations of events, not always, many times "they do not leave you", in the assembly, development, and execution of the event. I have no problem doing it always or almost always I am willing and more if they are friends or acquaintances. For the reason that it is my Time Bank I also use it for it. I like to see many involved in these messes, it is good to use the time and dedicate even a few minutes to others.

Yes, I know that some of you are not willing to do it, but if you make small concessions, surely at night your "head" will be more clear and you will be able to sleep better. I think that triathlon requires "that free minute that you could use in others", that minute that you really do not know what to do ...

Tomorrow at six in the morning ... the alarm goes off, my time bank starts and I simply want it.

My friend, after the talk I gave him, told me: "You have to teach me how to manage my time better". In this we are ..., he is also a triathlete and of those who normally invest their free time in what we are all a little, some "freaks" of these moves, I'm sure that in a short time I'll mess with him so that he also spends those minutes thinking about others.

Felipe Gutiérrez

