Categories: Felipe

The siesta time by Felipe Gutiérrez: Nostalgia

When the month of June approaches I get nostalgic of the beaches, of the ports and their boats, of the pilgrimages, of the cider, of my land ...

When I was little (some may ask, but remember?), I recognize that it was the best moment where we lived intensely the beginning of summer that little by little came and we enjoyed the beach to the fullest.

My particular nostalgia are undoubtedly those moments that never tired us, of being able to swim to the open sea, even if it gave us a little fear, of always living around "the sea".

Now and after life has gone around a lot, I can enjoy some moments of training next to "my private sea" of the pool with the daily workouts of the triathletes who train with me. My private beach everyone knows that is in the Canoe in Madrid and there I can spend hours training and advising those triathletes who want to be advised.



Those who can enjoy your workouts on a beach, in an open sea do not doubt enjoy it and your coach. Many prefer to train alone, without advice, without planning, because that is also good, or maybe not, but it is your choice.

My advice would be that you take advantage of that beach that you have in front of your eyes and that you enjoy the daily training, that you suffer doing the meters that you consider that you should do and that you will never get good results if you do not know how to suffer. Water is sometimes a difficult medium to control for many of the triathletes who have started late with swimming, but what is clear is that "you have to know how to suffer training to enjoy competing".

My advice is that you are listening to what your coach tells you, in the case evidently of having it and that you suffer in your "private sea" which in many occasions is a pool that has nothing to do with the open waters of your beach.

The two means are worth to get better brands every day, but if there are no meters ahead there are no optimal results.

If you do not have any planning and you only go "sometime" to swim, you will not have those results either or at least you will not have the best you could have gotten.

I do not want to give you advice, but if I wanted to swim, I would try to do it in the open sea or in the pool in its absence and always with a person who can correct me, who can give me his vision and never think "if I know everything and I do not need anyone ", Is another of the great problems of the triathlete, possibly those who have never been anything in the aquatic world and are saved" scraping "the bell.

June arrives, the summer is on the horizon and in my head there are only those Asturian beaches, that Luanco beach and of course the Gijón beach and all the others ...



My nap Wednesday makes me wake up thinking about the competitions that are already coming, which are played on beautiful beaches, there are many tests, which do not have as much poster and that also gets us to enjoy the coaches and triathletes, which is also there where they demonstrate the daily work.

Nostalgia is a beautiful feeling where the hardness of everyday life is parked ...

See you in the triathlon of ... and enjoy swimming in these beautiful places. How lucky we are to live in Spain and enjoy its sea, its beaches!

I like the feeling of NOSTALGIA

Felipe Gutiérrez
