Categories: Felipe

Looking for a star: Jaime Bonilla Jiménez

This week Felipe Gutiérrez interviews a new promise of the triathlon Jaime Bonilla Jiménez



He is one of the triathletes from Madrid who has a scholarship Technification Center of the Madrilenian Federation. We went to see him to know him a little more and to place him in those interviews that we do of "Looking for a star". Is it one of them? Time will tell.

He has 17 years and is a last year cadet, the one born in 1998, lives in Rivas and belongs to the Diablillos de Rivas Triathlon Club. He is a student of 1º of high school and he seems to be a good student although as he says "it is hard, very hard to combine everything".

We share in the social network of facebook 145 friends of the 456 that has, is a triathlete very often and with a great future.

TN- When you have to choose to study at the university, which option are you going to choose?

JB- I would like to study veterinary, I do not want to do anything else.

TN- How is the training here at the center?

JB- I get up every morning at the 6,30 in the morning and we start swimming at the 7,45, and we go swimming on the 10.

At the 19,30 we started the institute, on the 14,00 we eat and at the 16,20 we finish the institute. At the 16,30 we start again to train race or bike.

TN- Then you do not have time for anything else

JB- I do not have more time, I come home to study and sleep.

TN- Here at the institute they will give you facilities and you will have the benevolence of the teachers, that is to say that you will be a little "plugged in"

JB- I thought that they were going to give us more court but nothing, the only difference is that the dates of the exams fit them to your measure.

TN- But I guess you will not get jobs for home

JB- Some teachers do, but try not to put them, I have fewer duties than last year.

TN- What is the subject that you like the least and the most?

JB- The one with the least Language and the one with the most Biology.

TN- How did you start in the triathlon?

JB- I was swimming in the town hall of Rivas and I was tired of swimming, I was bored. I told my father that I wanted to quit the sport and he suggested that I start triathlon I know almost nothing. I'm cheating, I know I do not know anything!

I started doing triathlon and I started hooking and in the early years I would make up any excuse that my gut hurt or similar things. My first coach was Marcos Chamizo.

TN- Then after getting hooked, I understand that what you like the most is swimming

JB- Nooo, it's running.


TN- Do you remember your first test?

JB- My first test was disastrous, I remember that we went with Marcos Chamizo and we were heating up for the start and it was a little bit out of hand and when we got to the start they had all left and we had to leave with 3 minutes of disadvantage. It was a duathlon.

TN- Have you never competed in other sports, for example in a race only?

JB- No, in fact I never ran before

TN- So how do you like the race so much?

JB- Ha, ha, ha ... as a child there was a girl who ran a lot and saw her as a reference for me. Her name was Carlota Ureta and I thought "I want to run like her" and I think that was why.

TN- And you still see it and have run with it?

JB- Sure, of course, I still see ...

TN- Have you ever told him?

JB- Yes, she laughs at me.

TN- So, is there a theme here?

JB- (Turns red, nervously smiles, uh uh uh) No, no, no ...

TN- You're in your last year cadet, you've already got a medal in Spain's Duathlon, what do you expect from 2015?

JB- I want to continue with the swim progression that is currently being good and try to do the best I can in the triathlon.

TN- Any specific objective?

JB- At least one 10 top in the Spanish Cadet Triathlon Championship.

TN- So many rivals?

JB- Well, it's hard, there are good people like Alberto Gonzalez, Romo, Javier Lluch ..., these are my references for the test.

TN- And how has your international experience in Quarteira been?

JB- I had a bad time, it was fatal, I got lost, I was not swimming straight, the buoys were leaving me. By bike I did not get any group, I suffered a lot and running had a flat that I could not anymore. So my first international experience has been a bit bad. I hope to be better for the next one.



TN- And in the longer term, how do you see your future in triathlon?

JB- I do not know, I do not see it that clear, since I was a kid when I watched the Olympic Games on TV I used to say "I want to be there". That would be my long-term dream.

TN- And what triathlete do you admire?

JB- The one I like the most is Mario MolaHe is a triathlete who has progressed, he has not always been first, he started back because he did not have a good swimming and although I do not know him personally, I would like to. He has improved a lot swimming and is now at the top.

TN- And Javier Gomez Noya how do you see him?

JB- I like how it competes, but it "mola más Mola"

TN- Would you like to do other sports or are you very focused on triathlon?

JB- Before entering here I liked trampoline jumps and when I came here and saw them training ... I get very envious.

TN- What do you like the most and the least about triathlon?

JB- I like it because of the atmosphere there is, it is not the same atmosphere as there is for example in football or other sports.

What less ... well "the cakes" that we hit when we went out in the triathlons.

TN- What do your parents think of you being here, training all day?

JB- They support me and also suffer for me when I have to study hard and the next day I have to swim and I stay until studying so many.

TN- Do you have more brothers?

JB- Yes, I have a smaller sister, already triathlon Almudena Bonilla, a cadet already freshman.



TN- Will it be good?

JB- By bike he already points ways, he has to improve a little while running and swimming is going well. Sometimes I give advice as for example that squeeze running and that does not come down in the last race.

TN- Do you have any sponsor to help you in this?

JB- The only one, the club that at the end of the year gives us a help for achievements. The truth is that I have not moved much, I have asked in some places but I have not achieved anything. I hope to have one for next year.

TN- You told me before that you did not have time for anything, what do your friends say?

JB- My friends get mad at me because they do not believe I can not go out, and I do not have time because I have to get good grades to be able to do that career.

To finish Jaime tells us:

I want to thank my family for their support to be able to enter here and the club that has trained me to achieve those times and be able to be with those brands.

Next year I would like to enter the CAR de la Blume, to have people of more level and to be able to have some bigger references and to continue improving what this year I am achieving here.


We leave him again at the gates of the M-86 pool and about to enter class… we hope that he is truly one of those stars we are looking for.

Felipe Gutiérrez
