Categories: Felipe

The hour of siesta of Felipe Gutiérrez: Protect yourself Triathlete

Maybe because of my age and my experience and because I also have moles and freckles I would like to advise you on these summer days something that I think is very important, surely the most important in your training, in your life and is the protection of the skin.


Since I started my collaboration with TRIATHLÓN NEWS I have been with this 37 weeks writing a weekly column, some very read, others very followed, others very discussed, but really after those weeks the most I would like you to read this, it will serve you more than the others that were more or less "pink sauces" of triathlon.

Maybe because of my age and my experience and because I also have moles and freckles I would like to advise you on these summer days something that I think is very important, surely the most important in your training, in your life and is the protection of the skin.

On Monday I have been to my dermatologist checking those little spots and looking for that cream that protects me. In the end, he recommended me for my ISDIN 50+ Photoprotector (it is not an advertisement, I buy it and pay for it myself).

Many of you are vacillating from the marks that you have achieved in this or that training, in this or that competition, you are black "in pieces" and that is cool according to you.

But you have to keep in mind that this is a danger that you can avoid just by protecting yourself. You spend lots of money on bicycles, wetsuits, inscriptions, physiotherapists, nutritionists ... and it has never occurred to you to visit a dermatologist who examines you, who sees the possibilities of risk and who advises you how to protect yourself from the exaggerated exposure to the sun.

Years ago I decided to have brown "agroman" you already know dark in the exposed part of the arm and white in the cover of the body and in addition I try that that protection avoids later displeasures.

I do not want to scare you but you have to know some of the important problems and one of the main ones is the skin cancer.

In the world each year between two to three million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed, as well as 132.000 malignant melanomas. Nevertheless, The sooner it is detected, the greater the chances of healing. In fact, the 90% of skin cancer cases will heal if they are detected early.

Exposure to the sun and UV radiation can cause changes in the appearance of moles that result in cancerous lesions. In fact, between an 50 and an 70% of skin cancer cases are due to overexposure to the sun or UVA and UVB rays (solar cabins).

Consult a dermatologist if there is any sun damage or you notice any change in a mole. Between visits to the specialist, be vigilant and examine your moles.


Sun exposure during childhood and adolescence will influence the number of moles we can develop on the skin, as well as its size. However, the more moles a person has, the higher their risk of developing skin cancer; In fact, an 35% of skin cancer cases develop from an existing mole.

Therefore, to minimize the appearance of new moles, it is essential to ensure effective sun protection for children and adolescents. In addition, solar radiation on existing moles can cause the appearance of lesions that can become carcinogenic. Therefore, it is also important to adopt good habits to protect the moles, just as you do with your skin.


To meet these specific needs, La Roche-Posay Laboratories have formulated the range of Anthelios sunscreens, which combine a very high protection against UVA and UVB rays. The Anthelios range offers different textures to cover the needs and expectations of the most sensitive skins.

Are you looking for a cream with rapid absorption color? An ultra-fluid gel? An unctuous milk? or a sunscreen specially designed for children's skin? Visit the solar diagnostic site to find the protection that best suits your needs. Remember, the early detection of skin cancer increases the chances of curing it.


Between an 50 and an 70% of the cases of skin cancer is due to overexposure to UVA and UVB rays; therefore, it is essential to follow some simple additional rules to the use of a sunscreen.

Avoid exposing yourself to the sun between the 12: 00 and the 16: 00 in the afternoon.

Opt for the shadow instead of a direct exposure.

Apply sun protection every two hours.

Reduces children's sun exposure to the maximum because their skin is much more sensitive than the adult. Clothing and accessories (hats, t-shirts and sunglasses) are still the best protection against UV rays.

At this point I consult, read and take the opportunity to tell you about it.

If we are in the middle of summer, it's cool to teach the "burns" of this or that triathlon or training, but stop "chulearte" and go to the dermatologist maybe it's your best decision in the triathlon.

After telling you this, I'm going to take a nap, of course, in the shade.

Felipe Gutiérrez
