Categories: Felipe

The hour of the siesta of Felipe Gutíérrez: "If I were a woman"

If I were a woman, the truth is that I would never have a triathlete as a couple and although I am a man, I am a triathlete, even though none of them loves me precisely because I think that I think, among other things, your post



How difficult to be a woman, I also have my feminine side and be put in your skin, and have at home a compulsive triathlete with all its virtues, some have, and all their obsessions and other string of issues often difficult to understand.

They say that triathletes have a healthy lifestyle and the truth is that it is a chore to go to dinner with them, they never or almost never can eat something and drink less, so social relationships are limited to spaghetti and water and some packet of powders to recover. Of course, we're going home soon, I have training early tomorrow, they keep telling us. Aah, my poor social life.

And early mornings almost every day of the week? They love to go running during the week and of course! quiet that the weekends also have their guasa. The truth is that thinking about it a little is the best time we are alone in bed and we can stretch and occupy the entire surface of the mattress, we can not complain either.

They love to take care of their meals, their food but they are always taking powders of I do not know what or gels of I do not know how much, I think the "recovery" is fundamental. If they see us eating something consistently, they look at us as if saying, "What are you eating?", Go on with your envelopes, think and mutter.

It seems that going out to train them supposes a good base of endorphins, those that give them the positive mood that seems to provide them with the necessary energy of each day, although it is not that we doubt it, it is that many times it does not appear, so something is wrong

But it is clear that for one reason or another we sting and if we let ourselves be seduced by one of them we will have a healthier lifestyle, or at least they will have it, the truth is that this life is not paid with money and has its advantage.

You can hesitate to have an excellent boyfriend and thus be able to boast of it, it is true that they are in an extraordinary and toned good form and the truth is that they are chocolates "to consume", if they are left.

Of course, after each workout they take care of their hygiene each day every workout, every moment and although it is to be appreciated, it is not so much the clothes that accumulate next to the washing machine or in the basket that is filling and that it seems that nobody is going to put in the washing machine, give the 7 program, take it out, lay it out and iron it. Will it touch me? you will ask yourself. Well it's possible ... I do not say anything about the amount of liters of water that the Canal de Isabel II passes on the bill, but that's something else.

There are benefits that you will have that you know how to value positive since the birthday, Christmas or just when you want to make a gift you will not have many problems because with new shoes, a shirt, a helmet, a clock with the latest advances in pulse control , meters, etc ... is enough to make you happy. And in some cases, some book by Mark Allen and his experiences will also make a difference. And if you also make an inscription to an Ironman, you have won it for almost always. What more can you ask? Your boy will be happy and you will enjoy it.

You would never have questioned that your man, and you consequently, you will become savers to a great extent because after all the expenses you have to keep "a mattress" for the payment of inscriptions and some are made a year before. Can you imagine paying more than 600 registration fees a year before, separate and go to that test with the next fan ?, but that never happens, with you until death separates you.

At least you will go to restaurants of those "junk food", from being with him, you will only go to enjoy salads, fruits, vegetables and I keep insisting that you will probably also try some of those orange powders,

And when he's pissed off, pissed off with work, with whatever it is, do not worry, he'll surely tell you "I'm going to go out and run a little." He will go to the park, he will do his stretches, his progressives, his borriquero trot and he will come home more docile again, and if you hurry me a little more affectionately, though between the shower, the salad a little sofa and "I go to bed tomorrow I have to leave to run soon ", almost not" you taste ".

The truth is that this weekend is the Saint of "Las Maris", surely will invite me to dinner, to have a drink ... although I do not know if there is triathlon or long out that of 8 hours, so I will go to Vips I buy magazines and newspapers and find out about Belén Esteban or Sálvame, and I can even go out for hours with my pink tracksuit to match the sneakers and the ribbon, since I'm taking a liking to the triathlon. Next I'm sure I'll make a supersprint in the Casa de Campo and that the Sertri comes and I can sign up. Now it's going to touch the pomponero being.

The nap on Wednesdays with this heat ravages my dreams ... the truth is that they can be the pomponeras protagonists but fortunately there are more and more women who practice triathlon with the same tastes as them and already in many couples the role has changed. I like to see the girls competing and they waiting on the home straight with their Canon taking pictures and enjoying their favorite triathlete. IF I WERE A MAN, I would go to that line of goal and there would encourage everyone when they make the last meters, but without forgetting that this sport can be done as a couple.

Happy August, we already have half left.
