Categories: Felipe

The hour of the siesta by Felipe Gutiérrez: Some, others and "the others"

Although the press seems to have been unaware that this weekend marks the European triathlon, but the truth is that many triathletes and people of this "little world" also ignore it.

Little publicity or bad marketing is used because we could even be at the top of the podium and bring at least one gold medal since our world champion Javier Gómez Noya goes to Geneva for the title, just 252 kilometers from his hometown Basel.

But it is clear that the "triarmada"(I do not like this nickname, but they use it frequently) I get the impression that they have never known anything about the famous" invincible army ", let us leave them in ignorance not going to leave something wrong) go to Geneva protected by the Federation Spanish Triathlon and as it is de rigueur and within this group two paratriathletes awarded by the ADOP that also travel in that selection directed by Iñaki Arenal.

Curiously, with the Spanish team and representing the Higher Sports Council, he goes with them Antonio Prieto which we all know as "Taca", a technician of the CSD that was in three Olympic Games and that none of the triathletes could win him in an 10.000 and above all that he did in Oslo in 1990 with a time of 27: 37: 49. Fortunately, at least someone important in the sports of the CSD.

Some go there under the wings of FETRI and its budgets and they are three men: Javier Gómez, Francesc Godoy y Pablo Dapena and three women with similar possibilities to "touch metal" Ainhoa ​​Murua, Tamara Gómez y Miriam Casillas.

Also five junior Roberto Sánchez, Ignacio González, Andrés Cendán, Cecilia Santamaría and Inés Santiago, a good future group of this sport, surely some medal will be brought to us, I have my favorites for her but I do not want to leave the rest "without possibilities".

These are the UNOS that go to Geneva and on that expedition there are also OTHERS, specifically two Paralympic athletes awarded by the ADOP and with the same conditions as the rest of the aforementioned. They travel with the team, they stay at the same hotel (fortunately good hotel in Geneva) and they run like Spaniards in fact and right. They are Jairo Ruiz in the PT4 category and Susana Rodríguez in PT5 with your guide Mayalen Noriega. Luck, you just need to win and in this they are, conditions, quality and experience have plenty.

Jairo told me that for the European and the world both him and Susana is paid by the ADOP to have been among the first four in the world. Of course, also would like to be with the rest that are on their own as they are in the world series. Everyone has to find their sponsors, scholarships, help to pay for all this.

But there is always a but, they are "OTHER"Of that Spanish team, those who have to organize their trip, put the money, get it where they can and have the desire and the spirit of being on the starting line.

They go for free, they are Spanish in fact, but they do not have more rights.

Another 8 triathletes wanting to be the best and to aspire to occupy a position in Rio, or in the next World Cup or in the next ADOP list and be able to receive a scholarship and some with a certain let's call it "resentment" for not being able to go in the official expedition, of having to buy and organize the trip and live almost all in different hotels.

To Geneva they go in addition to both already named and that will be in the line of exit, Jose Vicente Arzo Diago in PT1 he was already a Paralympic in Athens in cycling and it was silver in Beijing, Daniel Molina and Alejandro Sánchez at PT3, Toni Franco at PT4, Daniel LLambrich y Héctor Catalá with their respective guides at PT5 and the two women Eva Moral and “his team of potatoes” also supported by OID, the Disability-Driving Organization and participant in PT1 and Rakel Mateo in PT2.

"THE OTHERS", They are delighted, seek to climb a step and have other options. They look for their supports as Dani Molina that like all "he has broken his piggy bank" and with the support of the Municipality of Guadalajara he looks for the medal.

Toni Franco, a fighter "almost Extremaduran" tells me that if he is worth more than anything because he gets subsidies and the support of OID, Disabled Organization of the Disabled, although it bothers him not to be like other countries, in the same hotel, each one on your own, to your ball.

I bet for ONE AND FOR OTHERS, I think they are going to get medals in this European and be a little higher and just waiting for more support, more help for the good of the Paralympic triathlon

I bet for 5 minimum medals of this group of Spanish triathletes who represent us so well. We will follow you online and send you strength for victory. Much encouragement to the 10 more to the three guides of Daniel, Hector and Susana.

Of course, among "THE OTHERS" there are also two triathletes of age groups, Octavio Pérez y Federico Rodríguez, this time the many Spanish Age Group have turned their backs on this ETU test, which is still committed to making them distance Sprint and Olympic distance, because there is the result, surely someone will justify that we are at 40 degrees and that we do not like it. Well, okay

Today Wednesday there has been no nap, I have decentered the "sensationalists" of triathlon, I can say that I have been pissed and on my facebook I put this comment that you can read on my page and that I leave here in case you have not gone through it:


I find it hard to understand that there is a sensationalist news about triathlon that only "fuck" us a bit to those who work day by day in clubs.

The coaches look, we send, we send the doctor, the physio, the ...... to whatever it is so that this unfortunate things do not happen.

The problem is that in the end it seems that we are crazy that we deprive our athletes that we know and know what is the level of weekly work that can accept and the level of effort that can be done.

Please let us fight to make people aware, to look for a coach, to work day by day and the media should strengthen this news more (that of doing things planned and controlled) than the other… .that without a doubt we all causes discomfort and some parents ... concern.

To me today I have already been asked several in the club that certainly do not do triathlon. I do not like to feel "a weapon of deadly destruction." Today I'm pissed ...

I guess I'll sleep better at night ...

Felipe Gutiérrez

Photo: ITU
