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Fernando Alarza before his first European Championship Elite

The promising triathlete from Talavera de La Reina -defined at the Blume Residence in Madrid and student of Physiotherapy- will participate on Saturday 21 in the European Olympic Distance Absolute in Eilat (Israel), something he could not do in Pontevedra 2011 when he was convalescent a fractured clavicle in May that lasted his first season in Elite category after the fantastic Junior world title achieved in 2010.

Fernando is very fit, as he has shown in other tests - both triathlon and duathlon - in 2012 and will go for it as he has nothing to lose: "It's about taking experience against the best; I hope to get off the bike in front positions and then give everything on foot. " In January and February he has achieved international successes such as the Ibero-American Championship in Chile and the first place in the Brazilian Fast Triathlon (chaining several minitriathlons). And apart from the triathlon he achieved a sensational 4º placed in the Spanish Championship Sub23 of Cros hobnobbing with the best Spanish long distance runners of his age.

To this day he does not have enough points to aspire to the two remaining Olympic places in Spain apart from Noya's fixed, but he has three triathlons (this European and the World Series of San Diego and Madrid in May) in which achieving great results could have some option: "London does not obsess me since I have only 21 years and I could hardly compete with 2011 points, but evidently if I do it well until the close of the ranquin I hope that coach Juan Rodríguez Biehn has me consider".

Alarza already enjoys international prestige and the best example is that he has been signed by the French team Sartrouville to compete in the triathlons of its National Club League, in which participation is worthy of the World Series appointments. Without going any further in that team are Noya, the Brownlee brothers and Mario Mola.

