Cycling news

The Tour withdraws the complaint to the spectator who caused the fall "I am ashamed and I am afraid"

As reported by Vanguard, The Tour de France has withdrawn the lawsuit against the spectator that caused a massive fall during the first stage of the race

"Has assumed insane proportions“, the Tour director told AFP at the start of the 6th stage.

"We want to calm things down and above all for the message to pass to the public. It is a matter of remembering the precautionary measures on the Tour route. Everyone should calm downand," he added.

"Everyone should calm down," says the Tour director

La 30 year old woman old, 4 days after the accident surrendered to the police and remains in detention at the police station. Now he faces an investigation for his reckless performance.

All  could end with a fine of thousands of euros and even a prison sentence up to two years in the event that any of the runners suffer serious injuries that keep them off the roads for more than three months.

She claims to be afraid of signs of hatred you have received since the incident. "TShe has a feeling of shame and fear at the consequences of her act, she says she is distressed by the media impact of her stupidity”, Explained the Brest prosecutor, Camille Miansoni.

The woman wanted to send a loving message to her grandparents

According to the French newspaper Le Parisien, the woman “wanted to send an affectionate message to the attention of her grandparents, who are unconditional and regular spectators of the Tour de France,” explains the prosecutor Miansoni.

The fan showed a sign with the legend “Allez Opi-Omi! (Let's go grandfather and grandmother! In a mix between French and German) ”.
