Articles Sports equipment

Foam roller What is it for and how is it used?

The Foam roller helps the release of muscle tension, improves muscle blood flow among other benefits

What is the Foam Roller?

The Foam roller is better known as a foam cylinder which comes in various formats in terms of hardness and surface (smooth or grated).[no_toc]

It is designed to affect the muscle fascia, which is a tissue that covers and connects our entire body.

Why is it good to use the Foam Roller?

Amazon Foam Roller INTEY

 The use of the Foam roller helps the release of muscle tension, improved blood flow muscle and can help prevent contractures.

When "rolling" is applied to a muscle, relaxation and decongestion is produced in that area due to the increase in blood flow and pressure.


Relieves muscle tension
improves blood flow
Recovers and activates the muscles;
Frees the body from mild contractures
Prevent injuries
Ideal for contractures

Which Foam Roller to choose?

The first thing you have to take into account is the reason why you want to use it, from there you will know where to look.

There are a multitude of shapes, sizes, hardness, etc. Foam roller and we are going to summarize what the most used consists of so that you are clear which one to choose


Depending on the size you have, it can be used for some parts of the body or others.

For example, one little is a good choice for work more specifically those areas of the body with difficult access or those that require more incision.

Instead, if you want work broader muscles it is better to use one more great.

These are some examples that can help you.

  • If you want to release the plantar fascia you can use a small roller or a ball
  • If you want to work the muscles of the legs, the ideal is a large cylinder
  • If you want to work your neck, we recommend one shaped like a peanut or double ball.
Area to work Foam roller type
Plantar fascia Small
Musculature of the legs, adductors, buttocks, etc.. Big
Neck Double Ball, or peanut
Amazon / Massage Lacross Ball


You also have to take into account the hardness of the product when choosing one.

The hardness depends a lot on the sensitivity of the person to pressure and its weight

Smooth or rough surface type

Another point to take into account is the type of surface of the Foam rollers. exist smooth or rough surfaces that serve to work different things.

Lisa Rough
Myofascial tissue mobilization Superficial fascial tissue mobilization
Temperature rise Superficial fascia tissue hydration
Increased blood flow Adhesion removal
Adhesion removal

 How It Works

Its use is very simpleWe only have to perform one soft "shoot" on the muscle that we want to work only with body weight.

When you use it, there will be some points where you have more tension or even some pain. They are called hot spot (Hot spots) and in them will be the ones that will have to work more

Foam roller exercises

We leave you on video an exercise routine to do with the Roam Foller.

Foam roller exercises

Where to buy the Foam Roller?

Currently this type of product can be found in many places, both in large stores such as Decathlon, or in online stores such as Amazon.

Its average price is around € 30.

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