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New book on cycling: The secret cyclist. The real life of a cyclist in the professional squad who wants to be anonymous

He is an active rider, who has been in World Tour teams of the highest level for more than 10 years and who has finished grand tours in the top ten. 

Today the book entitled  The secret cyclist. The real life of a cyclist in the professional squad, written by a cyclist of the highest level who wants to remain anonymous.

He is an active rider, who has been in World Tour teams of the highest level for more than 10 years and who has finished grand tours in the top ten.

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Who is the cyclist and secret and why is it hidden?

Its author sums it up in this way in the book's own introduction:

"Our actions and public statements are so closely controlled that it is impossible to always be honest in any interview, let's say nothing in an entire book.

If you do not believe me, I encourage you to write a blog telling everything that happens in your work, to question how the company is run, make sure you call your boss stupid and sign with your name. Tell me how you are doing. "

The author of the book is a professional cyclist who has been running on World Tour teams for more than 10 years. He has come to finish great laps between the first 10. He loves coffee. These are some details about the professional cyclist who wants you to know how he sees professional cycling from within the platoon.

What do the brokers really think about the Sky team? How is the salary structure of the teams? Why should you never be guided by the material recommendations of a professional?

The Secret Cyclist faces many great questions never before openly answered, showing cycling fans a part of hidden cycling so far.


  • Author: Anonymous Translation: Aitziber Elejalde Sáez
  • ISBN: 978-84-120188-2-0
  • Fomato: Rustic
  • Subject matter: Cycling
  •  IBIC Code: WSG
  • Publication date: August 2019
  • Pages: 216
  • PVP: 21,90 €

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