10 triathlons to debut in Spain (Part I)

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In the following article we want to show you 10 ideal triathlons to debut in triathlon.

 The first triathlon we always played It is a special and unique appointment, there will never be another first time, so we want to recommend several tests in which it can be special to debut, with contrasted organizers to fully enjoy your first triathlon.

Mediterranean Triathlon

Circuit composed of three tests in the three provincial capitals of the Community Valencia: Castellón, Valencia and Alicante. The 1 of July took place the Castellón test, the 7 and 8 of September the appointment will be in the capital of Túria and the 29 and 30 of September in Alicante.

In all the appointments of the Mediterranean Triathlon there are several competitions, from super sprint distance to Olympic distance.

Website: https://www.mediterraneatriatlon.com/

Santander Triathlon Series

Circuit consisting of nine venues spread throughout Spain: Valencia, Malaga, Gijón, Tarragona, Mallorca, Gavá Sevilla, Getxo and Madrid.

The first competition took place in Valencia at the 12 in May and the last will be in Madrid at the 20 in October. It offers the possibility to compete from super sprint distance to olympic distance. Malaga also had a medium distance.

Website: https://www.santandertriathlonseries.com/

Barcelona Triathlon

One of the most crowded in Spain. The next 7 in October will be held in Barcelona. It has different distances and modalities, from super sprint to Olympic distance, and also the option to run in pairs.

Website: http://www.barcelona-triathlon.com

Popular Du & Tri Cup

Most of the tests have already been held, the first part duathlons of the season and the Tres Cantos triathlon.

Only the triathlon de Riaza which will be the July 22, with its middle distance and short competitions and the one Pedrezuela that the September 9 will be held under sprint distance.

It should also be noted that within the circuit Popular Du & TRi Cup was the triathlon Villa de Madrid, that this year has not been able to celebrate.

Web: http://populardutricup.com

City of Valladolid Triathlon

The Valladolid City Triathlon is held in the Valladolid capital on the next July 29, under sprint distance, with a swim in the Pisuerga.

The cycling tour (20 kilometers) will start at the Las Moreras beach until the Miguel Delibes Auditorium, returning and going to Plaza Colón through Paseo Zorrilla and Filipinos. Finally the race on foot (5 kilometers) will take place that will take the area of ​​the Paseo de las Moreras to the Main Bridge, the Municipal Archive, the Patio Herreriano Museum, Poniente Park and turn around the Count of Ansúrez.

Web: Valladolid City Triathlon

Triathlon of Posadas "Califas de Hierro"

The Cordovan town of posadas, one of the mythical cities of the Spanish triathlon, will host next Saturday, September 22, a new edition of the Posadas Triathlon, the Iron Caliphs of sprint distance will reach its XXX edition. There is also the possibility of Medium Distance Calima Challenge.

Web: http://www.triatloncalifasdehierro.com

Alcasser Triathlon

The oldest test of the Valencian Community, comes to its 33 edition, organized by the Club Trivoltors de Alcasser.

Swimming consists of 700 m in the pool, then 31 km of cycling and 8 on foot. It is a very popular competition for those who prefer to swim in a pool instead of in open water.

Website: http://trivoltors.com/

National triathlon Villa de Fuente Álamo

Possibly the best triathlon in Spain, the triathlon of triathletes, a test that every triathlete must do once in his life ...

And what better way to debut at Fuente Álamo?

Website: https://trifuentealamo.es/new/

Sanitas Triathlon of Seville

The test took place last 28 in April, with a swim in the Guadalquivir and very fast and flat bike and running circuits.

The Seville triathlon featured competitions from distance super sprint to Olympic distance.

Website: http://www.triatlondesevilla.com

Ironman Lanzarote

Normally when debuting in triathlon, most people opt for a short test, distance sprint or super sprint ... but, put to debut Why not do it big in the Ironman of Lanzarote?

Each year a large number of triathletes choose this "monument" to debut, in the distance queen, the 3,8 km of swimming, 180 km of cycling and 42,2 km of running

Website: Ironman Lanzarote

Finally, we want to encourage our readers to give us their opinion on which are the best triathlons to debut.
