Triathlon News

15 Italian athletes positive for coronavirus after competing in the Torun Europeans

In addition, the English, Dutch and Irish federations have confirmed positive

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, 15 Italian athletes gave positive for coronavirus after returning from the Indoor Europeans held in the city of Torun (Poland), between March 4 and 7,

The Italian Athletics Federation confirmed four days ago that "some of its athletes" had tested positive upon returning from Poland and the count of positives has increased to fifteen infected.

More countries affected

Italy is not the only country affected by infections after participating in the Europeans since in recent days the English federations, Dutch e irish have confirmed athletes positive for coronavirus.

In addition, in the 4 × 400 relay, three athletes from the Polish team tested positive, which was forced to give up competing, according to the Polish Athletics Association (PZLA).

Source: La Vanguardia
