Categories: Triathlon News

More than 2.200 participants in the Valencia Triathlon, the 16 of August end of reduced price.

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 This year the event will host the Spanish Triathlon and Paratriathlon Championship, with the participation of close to 3.000 triathletes expected.

The eighth edition of Valencia Triathlon will be played between the 8 and 10 in September where they are about to close the tests in Olympic distance and sprint where more than 2.200 triathletes they have formalized their registration.

This year the test will have a total of 4 different modalities of participation for all levels in addition to the celebration of a child aquatlon with 400 free places for school children who are enrolled in the Valencian Community games.

The collection obtained through the charitable cause of this edition will go to the Project Man Association, which is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of drug addictions and other addictions. This contribution will be destined to the improvement of its leisure and free time workshops.

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