Categories: Triathlon News

Anna Noguera and Víctor Benages win a crossing in Galicia with Gómez Noya and Pablo Dapena.

The Journey to Nado de Moaña brought together the best of the national triathlon, having figures such as Javier Gómez Noya or Pablo Dapena

According to the newspaper Faro de Vigo the ninth edition of the Cruise to Swim of O Fisgón met yesterday at the Ramona ramp at main triathlon figures nationwide.

Referents of this sport as Javier Gómez Noya o Pablo Dapena they participated one more year in the 2.000 meter test, which ended with the victory of the Valencian Víctor Benages, in the male and Catalan category Anna Noguera, in the feminine.

Among the participants were top-level figures such as Javier Gómez Noya, Pablo Dapena, Vicente Hernández, Víctor Benages, Antonio Serrat o Saleta Castro, which this time covered the role of mere spectator.

The competitive nature gained great prominence despite being a popular test. The recent long-distance world champion, Gómez Noya, showed his enthusiasm for participating in this journey for another year. “I am very happy to be here again. I face this test like any other, I will try to do my best ”, he explained.

The third classified in 2015, the canary Vicente Hernández, along the same lines declared that “today I come to enjoy. I face this swimming test as a test for the world series, in which after my injury I have not been able to participate. My goal is to finish in the leading group”.

The Valencian Víctor Benages He revalidated the title, again getting the first position with a time of 22.56 minutes. The podium was completed by the junior triathlete Antonio SerratJavier Gómez Noya with 22.58 and 23.01 respectively.

The women's event ended with victory of the Catalan triathlete Anna Noguera with 28.02. Inés Castaño y Naomi Martinez they finished in second and third position with a chrono of 28.11 and 28.13. The athletes Joselyn Brea y Anais Rivas They achieved fourth and fifth place.
