Hamburg World Series canceled.

There are already 6 suspended circuit tests

The ITU has published that the Hamburg Triathlon World Series yel World Mixed Relay Championship that were scheduled for July are postponed for the moment without a date, for covid reasons 19

The organizers are already working to secure the new race date in 2020, which will be announced as soon as possible.

6 circuit tests suspended, only the Grand Final continues

Throughout these months we have seen how the Covid-19 pandemic was spreading throughout the world and, in turn, how sports tests were suspended.

Brianda WTS, all appointments on the circuit have been postponed until only the Grand Final remains to be held in Edmonton between August 17 and 23.

WTS 2020 calendar with suspended tests

The championship to a single test?

With the suspension of all tests on the WTS calendar, The dispute of the World Cup in a single competition returns to strength, which would be in Canada in August.

If the pandemic is controlled worldwide, and travel between different countries is allowed, it could be an option that would change the format of recent years, which rewards the most regular.

It all depends on the preventive measures that are being taken in all countries, and also on the permissiveness of doing sports for professionals, which in the case of Spain is not allowed at the moment.

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