Triathlon News

Castilla y León will have 3 medium distance events in 2023

The Federation of Castilla y León has published the provisional calendar for the 2023 season with a large number of duathlon and triathlon events.

In the middle distance category we find 3 competitions for this season. The Medium Distance Triathlon of Salamanca, el Castilla Challenge Triathlon and Frómista Medium Distance Triathlon.

Triathlon MD of Salamanca

It will be held in the capital of Salamanca on June 17, this being a national test in which the Spanish MD Triathlon Championship will be held.

Canal de Castilla Challenge

This triathlon will be held in Mediana de Rioseco (Valladolid) on August 6 and it will be there that the Castilla y León Media Distance Triathlon Championship will be held.

Frómista MD Triathlon

Finally, the MD Triathlon of Frómista (Palencia) will close the medium distance calendar, repeating these distances for the second year, since it was previously an Olympic distance.
