Challenge Salou launches web and news in the test

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They had been announcing for some time and yesterday it finally became official: the new Challenge Salou website has been launched and with it many interesting facts about the test are revealed.

The first data that you can not forget about the Challenge Salou es that will open the Challenge Europe season, because the test will take place on April 7. However, the excitement begins much earlier with the activities that the organization has prepared from the 5 day. Can you think of a better way to start the season?

Por supuesto, el Challenge Salou continúa siendo “The Festival", The new format chosen by the test. This festival consists of three days of very diverse activities: family competitions, the Sailfish Open Water (1,9km swim crossing) and the Challenge Breakfast Run (4km solidarity race suitable for all ages). And not only that, the "Kids" test" and the Challenge Woman, which consists of a 4,5km race in which only women can participate.

During the 2018 year many names of the elite of the Triathlon are being seen by the tests of the Challenge franchise: Sebastian Kienle, Pablo DapenaJavier Gomez Noya, Iván Álvarez and many more. Without going any further, the winners of the last edition were Cameron Wurf y Judith Corachan.

Each time is less for this test that brings more and better surprises every year.

 Do not miss any news on their newly released website:
