Categories: Triathlon News

The school triathlon continues to grow, The Tridimonis club in Valencia, an example of management

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The last 4 of November at the Civic Center of Puig de Santa María (Valencia), the triathlon club TRIDIMONIS celebrated its fifth anniversary at a gala attended by the President of the Valencian Triathlon Federation Valeriano Moreno and the Mayor of Puig, Luisa Salvador, among other personalities

With just a few years of life, Tridimonis it has been erected as one of the clubs reference of the regional and national triathlon panorama participating in all types of individual and team tests throughout the Spanish geography. Currently, it has triathletes competing in elite category. He has also achieved organize two regional testsMassalfassar Duathlon and the Puig School Duathlon, who have had the recognition of the community of this sport for its massive participation.

Martín Civera, Technical Director of the club, is in charge of planning the training "We have a quarry that goes from the 4 years to elite categories where we differentiate the workouts according to the ages, giving space to all those who want to do triathlon have the level they have"

The most pronounced word during this gala was undoubtedly "Thank you", thanks to all the institutions and collaborators who have bet, believed and have helped to position Tridimonis as a benchmark in the Valencian Community at the level of management and organization of sporting events

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