We interviewed David Serra, after his presence at Challenge-Barcelona

What is the importance of care by specialized physiotherapists after a test as demanding as CHALLENGE BARCELONA?

On September 30, during the celebration of Challenge Barcelona, ​​which this year was also the Spanish Long Distance Triathlon Championship consisting of a 3,8 km swim, 180 km by bike to end with a 42 km run, the triathletes Those attending the test were able to count on the presence of "David Serra Physiotherapy" in the post-finish area.


For David, who in addition to being a nationally recognized physiotherapist who has treated great triathletes in our country, such as Marcel Zamora, Roger Roca or Victor del Corral, is an athlete, he made these statements to the press:

David, How is your experience at Challenge Barcelona?

“The experience in the Challenge was very positive since the triathletes participating in this type of demanding event greatly appreciate the massage service on arrival. The truth is that they deserve it since for most of the finishers the effort made is enormous. It is also a test for us as we make available to the participants 25 physiotherapists willing to work hard for more than seven hours straight. We also greatly appreciate the effort and involvement that the organization makes so that everything goes well, since they give us all kinds of facilities to work in good conditions”

What is cryotherapy and what effects does it have?

Cryotherapy has a very good analgesic and recovery effect after competition. It causes vasoconstriction in the first instance and subsequently a reflex vasodilation that favors the elimination of toxins and muscle regeneration. Many elite athletes use it after hard training to accelerate recovery. We in Calella prepare some drums with 300 liters of ice water and specific essential oils to improve the muscular recovery of the triathletes.

What do you recommend for recovery after a test as demanding as the Long Distance in Triathlon?

The recovery of an Ironman depends on the preparation of each triathlete, but it is usually advisable to rest a lot the first week and the second and third week to start the training sessions in a smooth and progressive way. It is best to start with soft bike outings or light swimming sessions and leave the race on foot for later, as this will have our tendons and joints more recovered. The stretches will be left for later, when they have spent 15 days and our muscles and tendons are in a more optimal state, because if we do not run the risk of injury. The correct hydration and nutrition during the test and after the arrival will be fundamental to recover more quickly and if we do some massage or treatment the first week, it will also be positive.

It is necessary to rest a few days to regenerate tissues and disconnect from competition. The massage is indicated smoothly during the first days to treat at the circulatory level and deeper later to treat more at the muscular level.

David Serra Fisio [info@davidserra-fisio.com]
