Categories: Triathlon News

The AEPSAD presents the Anti-Doping Training Coach initiative - Sportsman

By signing this document, coaches and athletes are committed to know the specific regulations on the fight against doping



La Spanish Agency for the Protection of Health in Sport (AEPSAD) has elaborated the "Anti-Doping Statement Coach - Sportsman ", an initiative framed within its informative and educational programs for the prevention and awareness of athletes and their support staff in matters of health protection and fight against doping in sports.

This project consists of a document that represents a joint commitment between athletes and technicians to participate in any type of sport activity, rejecting the use of prohibited substances or methods.

By signing this document, coaches and athletes are committed to know the specific regulations in the fight against doping, to collaborate with the AEPSAD in the promotion of a clean sport, to respect the sports spirit and the ethical dimension of sport, and to protect the right of athletes to a competition under equal conditions.

Together with the training resources made available to athletes and technicians through the website of the AEPSAD, this statement is a first point of information for athletes in health and anti-doping, collecting aspects such as the importance of taking a stand to take the controls, take responsibility for the products ingested and inform the AEPSAD of any doping behavior of which they are aware.

Also, this commitment highlights the figure of the coach as a positive role of influence in the values ​​acquired by the athlete, their attitudes and behaviors, committing to protect the health of the athlete over sports results, as well as to exercise a leadership based on the values ​​and sportsmanship.

From the point of view of prevention, this anti-doping declaration implies the establishment of guidelines for behavior that must be respected over time, even in situations of temptation or vulnerability, so that the fundamental values ​​established by the coach and the athlete Do not be compromised by illicit practices, a commitment that has been fostered in the international arena by the World Anti-Doping Agency and other Anti-Doping Organizations as a form of express rejection of doping in sport.

Declaration antidopoaje sports trainer AEPSAD

