Categories: Triathlon News

Postponed: El Duatló Crevillent, first test of the No Drafting 2018 Series circuit

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The test has been postponed to the November 11 due to an administrative incident in relation to "La Volta" in the events calendar of Alicante.

The organization has sent a statement to the athletes commenting that this postponement has been related to the coincidence with the queen stage of the Vuelta Ciclista to the CV

"La Volta was not on the 2017 December event calendar in which we confirmed definitively the date of the Crevillent Duatl, due to the start of the same in the province of Castellón and in the month of January, although it extended to the 4 in February, coinciding with its penultimate stage Orihuela - Cocentaina full with our test, also in route.

Although the communication has not yet been made official, we know first hand that our test will not be authorized, for what we consider, Organization, Federation and City Council of Crevillent, that it is better to desist now than to do it the same week of the test. .

We are sorry for what happened, but we are, with you, the first victims of this circumstance, totally alien to the organization and the FTCV.

The new date of the test is the November 11th 2018, with which we advance you a novelty of the Valencian calendar, which is not another that in the next autumn will develop a intense duathletic activity when moving to that time several duathlons originally planned for this winter. "

In this edition 2018 the test will have 3 new features in the circuit. It will be held on the distance 6-30-6 to be a reference of the short distance duathlon in the national scope. The test takes place in the center of Crevillente, being the Paseo Fontenay and the Rambla the nerve centers of the exit, arrival and transitions of the duatletas.

The test will have a demanding travel due to the unevenness in the cycling segment, with 2 climbs to the central part of the well-known “Crevillent gorge”. In the foot race will be a fast circuit to two rounds through the town of Crevillent, passing through the town hall and the Constitution Square, except two ramps of little unevenness at the ends, fast and beautiful.

The No Drafting Series circuit organized by the A300w club, this year consist of 12 tests in 7 venues, where a Championship of Spain, three Cups of Spain and a Regional Championship will be played

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