Categories: Triathlon News

Duatlón de Oñati is suspended after 26 editions

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The proof that this year would have to celebrate its XXVII edition has been suspended because in the absence of 3 weeks for the test has not received the necessary permits.

From the organization they have sent us this statement explaining the situation:

"First of all we would like to apologize to all those people who may have caused some discomfort the decision we have had to make. We did not want to have reached this point in any of the ways. We have been running 26 for years, organizing the Oñati duathlon. A test that began with humility thanks to the people of Oñati and to the participants who have continued to come throughout these years, 5-6 years ago achieved its maximum splendor. The 2011 and 2012 years were joined more than 400 participants in the square.

The last years however every time we have had greater difficulties to be able to carry it out. Year after year it has been difficult to define a date for the duathlon. Last year for example at the last minute we had to change the date from Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning and we were able to confirm the date only 3 weeks before the test. With so little time, among other things we had to get the most of 80 volunteers that we need along the whole route.

As if it were not enough, dSince the new traffic laws entered into force, we have had problems defining the circuits. Last year our test was negatively valued for traffic and as a result this year we have been forced to change date to a Sunday afternoon in order to get permission.

This change has not been easy for us, since on Saturday morning we will organize the txiki duathlon for the children and this change meant having to mount and dismantle the whole square twice. In addition, it did not seem the best option for the participants either. Despite the difficulties and the risk involved in moving forward with this date, our team was willing to accept the change.

 However, to this day, In the absence of 3 weeks for the day of the test, we still have not received the necessary permission and we have I have been forced to make the decision to suspend the test. We will continue with the organization of the txiki duathlon on Saturday 10 of March in the morning.

To organize a test like ours at the level that we would like, we need have the date confirmed and with the Necessary permits at least with 2 months in advance. In this way, in addition to being able to tie all the topics in time, the participants can plan their tests properly and add the Oñati duathlon to their agendas.

For this to be the case, we are willing to do self-criticism but we believe that the implication of the different federations, traffic and the other agents that are involved in order to improve and work efficiently is necessary. We see the need to reflect on all the parties involved.

Next year we hope that it will be possible to celebrate the 27 duathlon of Oñati that could not be organized this year. Unfortunately we believe that for this to happen, something more than our will is needed. We said goodbye, wishing we could soon see the Oñati square full up with your bicycles."

Aloña Mendi KE
Triatloi Taldea

Photo Let's run
