Categories: Triathlon News

The Half Triathlon Festival, an opportunity to enjoy an MD in Asturias

Tuesday 11 ends the term of bonus registrations

El Half Triathlon Festival is a medium distance test, which will be played in Corvera de Asturias next July 14, where they have managed to make a very fast and totally flat circuits. The distance in which it will participate will be 1,9 km of swimming, 84 km of cycling and 20 km of race to foot.

The swimming of this test will be held in the Embalse de Trasona , located in the council of Corvera of Asturias. This reservoir is near the High Performance Center destined for canoeing and rowing, where it has hosted international events such as the 2010 European Canoeing Championship. It has a coastline length of 4,9 km and its own 37 km2 basin.

The cycling segment of 84 kilometers, will be made in three laps with a Positive elevation of 694 meters and that it will be totally closed to traffic, thus ensuring the safety of the participants.

The 20-kilometer foot race sector, four laps will be totally flat in the town of Corvera.

Remember that the next 11 of February will end the term of bonus priceor, increasing the price of the inscriptions.

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