Categories: Triathlon News

Restrictions on training and group sport are removed

Today the BOE has published a new additional provision, allowing group training

Today the BOE has published a new additional provision on non-professional sports practice

«Fourth additional provision.

Flexibility measures for the movement of the child population and the practice of non-professional physical activity.

The limitations provided for in articles 3.1 of the Order shall not apply to the movement of the child population and to the practice of non-professional physical activity. SND / 370/2020, of April 25, and 2.3 of the Order SND / 380/2020, of April 30, the practice of said activities must be subject to the provisions of article 7.2 of this order.»

UPGRADE: Official Statement of the Spanish Cycling Federation

That modifies this order.

In this case, the order removes the limitations of said activity provided for in articles 3.1 of Order SND / 370/2020, of April 25, and 2.3 of Order SND / 380/2020, of April 30.

Therefore, it  remove the limitation   where it was stated that the maximum number of people allowed consisted of an adult and up to three children.

In the case of adults, it was established in only one single person with whom they lived.

Thus, from now on in phase 1 it is allowed to walk freely in groups of up to 10 people   (time restrictions continue) and in phase 2 of up to 15 people (no time restrictions but with a slot reserved for those over 70 years of age).

They can train 10 or 15 people, depending on the phase

These orders limited individual sport, such as cycling or running, and could be done in a group of 10 people in phase 1 and 15 in phase 2

Security and distancing measures will have to be met

This measure does not exempt from not complying with the obligation of the safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities and the social distance of two meters. Recommended Safe Space by bicycle

This measure will take effect on Monday, May 25, both in the zones that are in Phase 1 and Phase 2.

This flexibility also affects minors, as indicated by Garzón.