Interview with the cook Iñigo Urrechu and the Decarironman of 57 years Roberto Lendaro

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We know first hand the "secret" ingredients of the vegan bars of the renowned Basque chef


Roberto Lendaro, "The man decaironman" shares with us the table after having completed this hard test to his 57 years, Iñigo Urrechu is a renowned businessman with 4 prestigious restaurants in Madrid, who also combines his demanding work with his family life and his passion for sports.

Roberto Lendaro, has just completed the Decaironman of Mexico at 57 years of age. One of the few athletes in the world who has also successfully completed the Dobledeaironman (20 triathlons in IM distance followed)

From Triathlon News we approach the Urrechu Velázquez Restaurant, located at number 150 on this same street, where we were able to interview them, as well as learn about the "secret" ingredients of the Basque chef's vegan bars.

Interview Iñigo Urrechu Roberto Lendaro
