Categories: Triathlon News

Eneko Llanos: "This year I want to return to Hawaii, the next I do not know, I go from year to year and depending on how the season ends I will decide what to do next"

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Being present, connecting with our true values ​​in the most difficult moments and enjoying, Eneko recommends you to face an Ironman, pure wisdom.

This is the Last year of points qualification and Eneko only has 340 KPR points, it will be a year of many competitions prior to her 13 participation in Hawaii or she will have to play it in the continental championships. We wanted to ask you how you are going to plan this season after your participation in Dubai where you had to retire due to injury.

As big fans of yours, the question always comes to mind, where will Eneko look for points this year? How do you see the change in regulations to qualify for next year in Kona? How many more years will we have Eneko in Hawaii?

The initial plan was to compete in the 70.3 from Dubai, TheM New Zealand y IM South Africa. In Dubai I injured my back and I couldn't finish, I had to rule out New Zealand for these same problems and Now I'm ready to prepare South Africa. Depending on how this test comes out, the next 15 in April, I will decide where to compete next based on the points I may need.

To the change of regulations the truth is that I have not paid much attention, in general I think it's positive that the classification process is simplified but the difficulty to get the place also I think will be greater. It remains to be seen what tests will award the places and how many places will be at stake in each test. But what I said, I'm focused on the current season so I have not given much importance at the moment

This year I want to return to Hawaii, the next I do not know, I go from year to year and according to how the season ends I will decide what to do next. 

And outside the Ironman calendar, in what other national events can we enjoy your presence?

I would love to play more races close to home but the qualification process for Kona for me is a priority now and until I see how it is resolved I do not want to make other plans.

Clearly I would like to run tests like Elche again (or any of those organized by A300w), the Vitoria Triathlon, Zarautz ... and many other great events that we have on our calendar.

With these premises, how do you plan to train the trainings, several spikes in form or a peak shape to classify and another for Hawaii?

I sincerely go from trial to trial, now I prepare South Africa, then we'll see. So the idea is keep a good shape all year and then optimize the point of form at specific times to compete.If I qualify for Kona then I can design my own planning for this test depending on the time available.

We see you active in the RRSS and we like that, but let's put data on it, those 2-minute series how many watts are they? Do you keep sets short throughout the season or only when you are away from peak fitness?

If you mean the Monday 12 day of February were 8 × 2 'to 405W (5,4W / kg) with 2' recovery. Approximately 115% of my FTP (estimated).

