Categories: Triathlon News

Galicia prohibits smoking on public roads, outdoor spaces and terraces if there is no safety distance

If you can't keep the 2 meter safety, you can't smoke

After 20 minutes, the Xunta de Galicia has published a new standard that prohibits smoking on public roads and outdoor spaces if the safety distance of 2 meters is not maintained.

This midnight this new regulation came into force, which has been published in the Official Gazette of Galicia.

Galicia, one of the Communities that is most committed to Triathlon in Spain, has taken a further step in the safety and care of its inhabitants, banning smoking in public places to avoid contagion of Covid-19

If you can't keep the 2 meter safety, you can't smoke

This prohibition affects both the street, the outdoor spaces and the terraces as long as it is not possible to keep the 2 meters distance.

"PIt is therefore appropriate to specify that the general obligation to use a mask provided for in number 1.3 of the Agreement of the Council of the Xunta of June 12, 2020 may only be exempted due to the consumption of tobacco or electronic cigarettes, exclusively during consumption in the public thoroughfare or in open air spaces, including the terrace, and provided that the minimum distance of two meters with other people can be maintained at all times."

The measure has been implemented after weighing the risks associated with this practice, and that of vaping, due to the manipulation of the mask, the repetitive contact of the fingers with the mouth after touching products or utensils that could act as an inanimate transmitter and relaxation of the mandatory separation between people.

Doctors say that other Autonomous Communities follow suit

“The initiative is absolutely positive for the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC). We had already manifested ourselves in this sense“, points out Dr. Rosa Arroyo, deputy secretary of the organization, who recalls that they have been permanently warning the population of the risks of tobacco because it is part of their commitment to society.

Along the same lines, the doctor assures that the WTO is going to address public administrations to urge them to extend the measure adopted by Galicia to the rest of the territory.

"Our socialization makes the three 'Ms' (Masks, Handwashing and a Distance Meter) relax.

If to this is added the inhalation of tobacco smoke is much more harmful in every ways”, asserts the doctor regarding the position of the WTO.

WHO Says Smoking Is A Risk That Could Help Contract And Spread Covid-19

In the document of the Xunta, espone on the risk of smoking and the Coronavirus

“It should be noted, in this sense, that the Public Health Commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System approved a Positioning in relation to the consumption of tobacco and related products during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the World Health Organization and scientific societies and related entities, there are risks associated with the act of smoking and vaping mask manipulation protection and repetitive contact fingers with the mouth after touching products or utensils that could act as fomites (inanimate transmitter) of the virus, the expulsion of respiratory droplets that can contain viral load and be highly contagious, and the factor of relaxation of social safety distance.

In view of these risks, in said positioning it is recommended, in application of the precautionary principle, in addition to following special hygiene measures, avoid consumption in community and social settings and, in the case of being carried out, that consumption be in separate open spaces.”

1.690 new infections in the last hours.

The Ministry of Health notified this Wednesday 1.690 new infections detected in the last hours, the highest figure in recent days, and without taking into account that, due to technical problems, they have not had data from the Community of Madrid.

Thus, the total of infected nationally rises to 329.784 since the beginning of the pandemic.

