Triathlon News

Gwen Jorgensen does not get a place in the olympic games

The former North American triathlete Gwen Jorgensen, triathlon World champion in 2014 and 2015 and gold in the Rio games could not qualify for the test of the 10.000 meters at the Oregon Trials

Jorgensen that participated in the 5.000 meter test with bad feelings It implied that he was not in a good time and that he might not compete in the 10K event.

Finally if he has participated, but has not been able to finish the race, which rules out being in the Tokyo Olympics.

In her social networks Gwen commented:

"I have had the best of intentions. I got in good position for the first mile (something I rarely do). I didn't focus on the time steps I just did what I needed to keep fighting until I couldn't.

Before the 5.000 test, I had a frank conversation with Jerry, about how we didn't want him to drive me so crazy that I couldn't perform at my ability.

Today I threw caution to the wind and the result was not pleasant at all. Sometimes you have to test yourself. It rarely works, but on the off chance that it does.

I ran with my heart and while the race broke me physically, it didn't break me spiritually.

Before the race, Jerry was undecided about whether we should run the 10k. One of the reasons we decided to run was because my family was here. This is not the first time that I compete for family reasons (I am thinking of Kitzbühel 2013 when they told me I was not ready, but I decided to race because my family would be in Austria).

I am so thankful that my parents are alive and can see me run.  I may not be competing for an Olympic gold like 5 years ago, but they support me anyway.

That is the family. That's love. Thank you, family, for letting me do this and for being there for everything ”, she commented excitedly on social networks.. "

It seems that the moment has come to reflect for the North American athlete. Could we see her again in the triathlon? We will have to wait for you to communicate your decision.
