Triathlon News

Half Madrid postponed days before its celebration

The sanitary conditions of the water where swimming takes place are not suitable for bathing

El Half Madrid, the medium distance test in the capital, will not be able to be disputed this weekend due to the sanitary situation of the waters of the Casa de Campo

In a statement made by the organization, they explain what happened and why the test cannot be held

This is the statement:

"This morning we have received a communication from the Madrid City Council in which they indicate the following:

 Good morning: Unfortunately we have to inform you that the Moncloa Aravaca District will not be authorized to carry out the Half Madrid Triathlon scheduled for this May 30, 2021 in Casa de Campo, among other areas.

We have received a second report from Madrid Salud, which we will attach together with the notification of denial, in which bathing in the Casa de Campo Lake is discouraged due to very high levels of alkalinity and the finding of bacteria that indicate the presence of pathogens that can cause gastrointestinal diseases.

They also indicate the possibility of botulism as the cause of the recent death of the fish, pending receipt of the final results of the biopsies. Throughout the day you will be notified of the resolution along with the report on which it is based.

Receive a warm greeting. The water quality of the Casa de Campo lake has been complying for many years with the parameters required by RD 1341/2007 of October 11, on the management of the quality of bathing water.

Based on what is indicated as mandatory in that RD and that is the norm assumed by Fetri, the parameters that are analyzed are E-coli and intestinal enterococci and based on these parameters the quality of the water has, also at the moment current, the level of "excellent". On the test website you can verify it.

3 weeks ago an extraordinary event occurred, a series of dead fish appeared, and the municipal environmental quality service received instructions to find out the causes. Practically at the same time that they carried out the mandatory analysis for the triathlon and that showed the quality of excellent, as indicated, they requested a biopsy of the fish (which has not yet been completed) and an analysis with other parameters to look for the causes of this extraordinary event.

The result of this investigation is the situation that is described in the statement and that makes the holding of the test unfeasible at this time. For us it is a blow, with how difficult it is to work at the moment and when we had practically everything prepared, and without a doubt it will be for you, after having been training with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

We have not wanted to wait until the last minute to inform you, it is a fact that has no solution and the sooner it is known, the better.

We are going to analyze the possibilities of the calendar and we will inform you of the new date shortly. We have the seamless support of the General Directorate of Sports of the Madrid City Council and the Moncloa Council and this event will go ahead.

An affectionate greeting."

Official documents
