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Josef Ajram, "My only goal is to enjoy the Ultraman in Hawaii, I'm very curious to compete against Josef from 10 years ago"

Will participate again in Hawaii after 10 years. In 2007 and 2008 it was seventh.

The well-known Broker and Ultrafondista of 41 years Josef Ajram He was the first Spaniard to go to the Ultraman World Championship in Hawaii and has made this discipline known to many triathletes.

It takes many years with "the fly" to participate again in this test and due to professional changes this 2019 has managed to be back in it.

Josef has participated in 4 Ultraman, in Hawaii they highlight their participation with a seventh place in 2007 and in 2008 . In addition, 2009 was third in the Canadian Ultraman, winning the first and second stages.

What is an Ultraman?

It is a competition that is played for 3 days with the following format:

  • 1º day: 10 km of swimming + 145 km of cycling
  • 2º day: 276 km of cycling
  • 3º day: 84 km of running race

Josef Ajram returns this year to Hawaii, with the aim of enjoying the distance.

From Triathlon News we wanted to ask you some questions about your participation in the test

How did you decide to participate again in the test?

For years I wanted to go back to Ultraman Hawaii but, for professional reasons, in the last 3 years I could not square.

When I completed the 40 I decided to eliminate from my life those elements that did not add me to my life and did not allow me to be who I was so that little by little I was recovering my space and, with it, the time needed to prepare an Ultraman.

What objective do you have?

My only goal is to enjoy. Although I am very curious to compete against Josef from 10 years ago, knowing the times I was doing then versus what I will do now.

I hope my gray hair gives me energy! 🙂

Tell us a little about your path to the Ultraman in Hawaii, classification, palmares, etc.

After getting to do the 5 Ironmans in 5 days in the 5 islands of Hawaii (EPIC 5) I set out to do with my sponsor, Red Bull, the 7 Islands in the Canary Islands.

When I failed to achieve it, I wanted to cut my mind with that whirlwind of always proposing greater challenges for what I spent years competing in the best mountain bike races in the world.

A couple of years ago I started running again regularly and I was having a great time, but I lacked peace of mind to train more and better.

By leaving a professional project that hindered my life, 14 months ago, I began to organize myself better.

The years pass and that implies accumulating careers. Compete in 7 Titan desert, 4 marathon des sables, 4 Ultraman, 1 Epic5, 4 Cape epic etc…. They are some of them.

A moment you will not forget about an Ultraman

It was amazing for me Robinson report 2008 I could teach my family and friends what Ultraman was and, incidentally, teach people outside this sport what this modality is.

This race is special because it goes all the way around the island and you go through all kinds of landscapes and weather conditions.

Anecdotally, in 2012, my canoe partner, Nacho Gómez, headed for a boat while swimming the 10km. When I returned a few minutes later, I asked him if everything was going well, to which he replied yes.

When he got out of the water he told me that at 100 meters behind me he had a whale and that he had gone to ask the organization if that was normal, they said yes! Hahahaha

3 tips for those who want to start in this discipline

The barrier of entry for many people who think about it is swimming and believe me that I am the first to be very lazy.

But it is a pity that this is the reason for not doing an Ultraman because it is, at most, 15% of the total time of the test.

It is a perfect discipline for good runners because in the 84km after two intense days many differences are drawn.

So encourage everyone and see you in a UM!
