Triathlon News

The Challenge Madrid swimming crossing, the SIERRA OESTE SWIM CHALLENGE

There will be two distances 1,9 or 3.8 km in the Pantano de San Juan

Challenge MadridThis year, in addition to the medium and long distance test, it offers swimming lovers the possibility of participating in the Journey to swim on a distance of 1,9 or 3.8 km in the Pantano de San Juan, in San Martín de Valdeiglesias.

The open water competition will take place in the  Beach of the Virgin of the New, known as "the beach of Madrid", which in 2018 and 2019 has been declared Blue flag, a badge that demands compliance with water quality standards, safety, general service provision and environmental management. It is the first indoor beach with blue flag of the Community of Madrid.


The distances to be covered by the swimmers in the Pantano de San Juan in San Martín de Valdeiglesias will be 1.900 or 3.800 meters.

The date for the test will be on Saturday 21 in September, one day before the triathlon tests, at 18: 00 in the afternoon

You can check all the information on the official Challenge Madrid page.
